I am told that what I complained about what normal was my position but it is, only the way they have laid it out and the best response I can provide for their new gimmicks, in which they first enlisted German influence idiots who had always dreamt of me being a character they could step on without consequences and a lot of acumen in possession that they could steal, following me everywhere for those who had not yet died, to show up and surround me with insults and greed that involved an abusive interest in my privacy and the touching of my body parts, then the local authority idiots progressed from being fed up paying social security to enlisting criminality to help the rest of society make sense of the explanation they were offering for the unusual interest in my person, such that I would be bullied into getting a keeping a job which is actually impossible but was going to work when their stupidities were threatening me with homelessness, whilst clinging to my income margins, all at the same time that their famous idiots clung to the career publicity and public image to make money no matter what they already owned and the trolls clung to my customer interests to make stupid statements about the pride in their various countries and other gimmicks that are supposed to scare me. We know that we were doing what we were doing because the worst things these twats could do after laying out these activities was to continue showing up on my public life, to run off narcissism advertisement that handled my public image and career publicity as a deal sweetener whenever their stupidities had products to sell and it was especially important that we did respond to these activities because they needed to ensure I did not provide them the worst possible response for the circumstances as well. In the circumstances that I am a Hermit, we could clearly see what the lip flapping really indicated.

The boasting that they had gotten me weeping and wailing and all I could do was complain, is nothing unusual, the facts however are that it is a German influence gimmick performed by a bunch of idiots who always thought their physical features qualified them as real men and that they were entitled to practice wickedness on others as will help to facilitate a career, on the basis that they had a penis between their legs – it has not yet ended badly at present, it got serious once and the abusive activity right down to my diet, that shows the sort of corruption they engaged in with that stupid existence they built for themselves that they did not want anymore, continues to cracked up out of my league show up on my personal space each time I stepped outside of my door, especially when I had gone out shopping for my supplies. It is the old story of a society that people had set up to meet in secret whilst nursing unusual interest in my public image and personality as a deal sweetener whenever they well selling things, so it was possible to guarantee that they could spent their youth screwing around and still be able to secure a good retirement, concerning which it did not matter what effect their gimmicks had on the victims – so it continues to follow me around with an outlook in which crime was a career option and send out low lives from an immoral society who had nothing to lose to get involved with my personal space, they had since from this built up the stupidities by which each time I stepped outside of my door, they got to cling to making money by handling my personal space and public image on the basis of saddling me with the social disposition associated with people who had suffered schizophrenia, over the assumption that nothing will come of the continued process of meeting to build up this nonsense that they got to channel at me and express the fact they were stupid enough to pretend that my feelings about it did not matter. It is this stupid society, a bunch of idiots fingering bum on behalf of famous idiots and the famous idiots themselves, needs to stop clinging to my public image and trashing my client interests to make money with criminality, needs to keep its mouth shut especially the American led pricks, and get involved with any part of my affairs on a global stage, when it wants to engage with a Bookshop. The point raised by their other fools at Industry that I should not be allowed to enjoy an easy success because I spent my youth enjoying myself was not an emotive issue; in their case that stupid pseudo security service they have built will develop into results where people got killed again as a product of me being overworked and abused due to gimmicks they performed on the basis that criminals had been hard working in their youth who deserved a good life at the end whilst a prince spent his youth enjoying life and should not be allowed to have it easy at the end: reality being that I ran the finances on a low key to get matters at the Trust under control which they bashed badly enough for me to end up on social security, never set clear boundaries concerning celebrities before it trashed my academic pursuits, passed exams and took up a 6 figure salary job in somebody else’s company, had since met up with the famous idiots whose jobs fundamentally always disregarded the boundaries in other peoples affairs, to put their stupid selves in charge of mind and stifle my finances, never mind the other gits who owned the companies, talking nonsense about keeping my assets, hence there were hard working people, who could also do the fighting better than I can the last time we checked. It is not as if I do not do it for them, pick up my property equity, break it up into bits that can me written down and broker it with them to facilitate product building if they were worried about Celebrities seeking only to engage with immorally developed products, then again when it gets around like that lip flapping about keeping my assets, stifling my Bookshop at the local and on the global stage, to talk nonsense about being hard working. Eventually then said that I appear not have achieved anything but have quite a bit but it is the story about the public control problems in human form – get out of bed one day to realise people have placed labels on you and taught their unbearably stupid children to study at school and learn something whilst fingering you bum, claims its stupid civil rights was something I shared, thereby creating an environment in which it considered me family and was as such in a position to be familiar to such an extent; needs to cease peddling the stupidities at me as per where I am supposed to end up an expensively dressed poof, if it wants the famous twats and the politicians to listen to its complaints about me for beginners, always stupid enough to start and at the point this nonsense was invented, nobody was being paid to do it, they simply took the initiative in the course of a job that got to their heads or a society that they thought was predisposed to order peoples steps.

Alternatively we accept the main problem here is still a bunch of criminal feminists, their media fools and famous idiots goading me over public control whilst their stupidities spent what I did on public control on themselves, so the work was never done and I was never allowed to smell nice, progressing into a health scare - this is not their world and I am certain we had enough history between us for me to take it back without further problems. I am currently doing the best I can on the administrative front where the Americans were set to progress from the only global influence  and NATO Ally that ensured Governments could not set viable policy for the internet which also developed into mortal threats to ordinary people and the Laws being made were a waste of time, complaining about the deal that they were getting from other allies at the same time - lip flaps all kinds of stupidities where its insolent and greedy incompetence was such that it invited itself into my affairs to talk nonsense about profits that were developed on the basis that it tended to defeat communists on my behalf, such that if I wanted to recover my assets I could get it back from the communists with a big mouth, alongside the famous fools who continued to ensure the simple work of deciding that what they did meant a particular thing and if it was not shown during my PR, I had failed to complete a job that would create me financial difficulties and a public crisis, informing me when for their part was the best schedule for PR which showed that their famous stupidities meant what it was doing around here, whenever I ran the campaign for my work and the Books I wrote, which I suppose who earn it the license of lip flapping the sort of threats the famous gimmicks posed to me in real world and in real time.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland