There is naturally talk of facts associated with these matters that I am oblivious to of which there is none, just made up gimmicks that allows the stupidities to communicate such nonsense in my direction considering their criminal history and the fact security services had done a job – the real facts are that they appear to be linked to the sex industry and have taken up the position as a method of conducting security service work, got rid of the staff that were traditionally rooted and seasoned at their work, to fight communists on my behalf according to them, there is no way that the lack of actual security and an inability for us to sit on our own chairs would have been so bad if this was not the case, that they were linked to sex industry. I do not hate sex as such but like they claim they did it because they hated me, should not have taken the matter out of my privacy to hang about building a crisis in public – their idea this is a mystery that I am comfortable with these matters being absolute nonsense, firstly as it was a simple matter of chastity at security services work, just as much as they have claimed the British Government created a coward Arch Prince, consequently the way they need to sell my personal and social life for a living is the same as I will sell the stupid celebrity culture and society for a living, I am sure they will find a way to explain this too, by means of putting their stupid children on the streets to develop fantasies about fondling my private body parts, whilst labelling me a dunce.

On the point that I spend my time pursuing women that were beyond my league, it was part of the idea that when they assessed the way that public policy applied to me and made sense of it by exploring my civic duties to decide which career I was brave enough to own regardless of which I already owned, built a community of criminals from their immoral society gimmicks and share my privacy with it to finger my bum, after running off a counter publicity for my Bookshop PR which had set out the problems that were resolved by the books at its background as something that was both to be made into a problem for the public, at the same time that it got spent on their stupidities, whilst being entitled to keep their own jobs and money, the question quickly veers off the gimmick in which the Italian versions of these idiots claimed that they married my wife at the Monarchy considering the Husband of the Duke of York's Daughter is an Italian and she always expressed an interest in my work publicly, into something of the fact that they were not a match for me as per it was impossible for me to be a normal person when married to them, let alone the idea that our Union will achieve the calm at the Monarchy and Society which is expected of my Estate hence reasons they want to cover their backside with everything that I did, trashing the finances in this place as a hall mark of their stupidities, the question of what their type was since they were out of my league and needed to make the announcement endlessly had never been determined, I do know however that not even their body type fits the bill here.

It was a two part story, one of the stupidities associated with seeing my career as something of a sense I possessed best weapons whilst a fight was going on which had to be stolen whilst I was also surrounded by violence to ensure I had to show how it could be used, a preferred alternative to showing up here for Book reading obviously, affecting security services – the other was that they had sold this nonsense, ranging from German influence ageist idiots who were selling aesthetics of my social and personal life to make money, down to the part where as part of a process of showing up at a business premises to steal the career of the owner instead of engage with products they seem to have taken an interest in,  took out social problems I resolved by creating my Books to build a new public crisis to bend me to their will by whilst stifling the Book sales to work with local authorities on a plan to make me homeless, before soliciting any greater powers for support now that their stupidities were set to get a response from me. I do not care whom they may have sold this nonsense to, not even if they had sold it to the King, it needs to shelve its famous persons insults and show up here only to read a Book, personally which I think I needed to punish the unusual interest me, so that I could say that being able to handle their stupidities was something I could do on a set target; overall, we are doing this because there has not been an action to say I want to cut to pieces or burn up the show business that shows up here to say I did public control matters well and it should be converted into a public crisis that relied on me and got me into a fight with people on the streets to make them feel important, it has therefore been another 9 year career mess for me whilst they tried to secure as much support from other peoples stupid children that got elected the other time, as they possibly could and were too happy through a media narcissism, to listen to what I was saying, just as much as they enjoyed putting their stupid selves in charge of matters they knew nothing of.

On the contrary it is a good look for me to clash with the famous, it has wasted 15 years of my career time grooming me into the same position as the last person that it beat up, so that its stupidities may continue perverting my career in the knowledge that it could, spent my time doing the society gits who did the same things but did not have as much money as the Celebrities, were only insufferable oafs talking nonsense about fate, not a profitable decision apparently. They do claim that this is suffering inflicted over a lack of understanding for what they had suffered on my part and its always those stupid entitled ideas that the world revolves around them literally: where it shows up here for a 2 decade fooling around with my career publicity and finances, only to finish up like that, details being that it really enjoys putting itself in charge of matters it knows nothing about, then hang about punishing those who worked those matters, to finish off with these sorts of statements, recently having found a way to fight National enemies on my behalf to become a rewarded victim over what it believed was the way people treated security services staff who were victims of this nonsense. I do not think it is a crisis It usually has no effect on me, ranging from the way I handled society gimmicks to the ageist idiots who complained about their positions at the company boardrooms due to my response to their insults, save the instances where a famous idiot was goading me into a fight for something which is now the prevalent problem that needed solving, I have responded because they had presented the point as if the rest of us did not possess the intelligence to handle it.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland