Now the story about teaching me a life’s lessons is what every liberated fool wants to talk about but I do not suppose people have feelings about the idea they want to decide what they must become on the basis of tying others down somewhere to become what others were supposedly meant to be, which people had not become but they knew people were going to become, like a secret shared with the devil churning my tummy all day with civil and criminal disobedience that can get ever more profitable the more disrespect I am willing to tolerate no matter how overt.

Then again they have always done this; it is now the 20th year of spending my time building up communities that engage with the world in terms of exposing my insides, the mess made of my public image and social life with it is that I smell and it was a global stage phenomenon, all because they wish to make popular culture and Celebrity culture using my personality and public image and do not envisage another career path but, whereby it was sad really that I had chosen to think that I am a Man with that big mouth they have got. The assumption then being human beings are normally so stupid and they were entitled to be tolerated, while I do believe that this idea ignoring them solves a problem has lived out its time too.

They claim I provoke them by showing up to take back careers they thought they had taken, of which what happens with this nonsense being projected by their media fools all day long, is that I had a 40 year plan to ensure I got my pension by 65 and the time and stage at which I took up any of the plans really has nothing to do with them but then again, I suppose building communities that thrive on exposing what my tummy is doing to build riches and fame popular culture on my public image and personality while issuing threats at me does tend to suggest if they got seriously hurt, they will be missed i.e. I do not think they are a handful of criminals; I think they were well meaning culture and society people trying to set out clearly which one was the male, and which was the female population.

I have been asked the question of how I ended up in the predicament while I am never really vulnerable to media but I am not vulnerable to media, what happens is this newly developed sense by a handful of criminal fools, that what I do and say needed to be justified in terms of me standing up on a Media equipment to project myself over a crowd which completely wrecks the Bookshop and the atmosphere I had spent years building to facilitate people being able to read what I had written and wrecks my finances in the process – hence what I am currently working on, which has begun to make sense of the ethnic minority goons wanting some sort of civil sense of liberation to be developed at my expense and any plans I have to make things perfect having nothing to do with their right to be free and healthy, about which we have never really seen Liberal USA support anything else. So they have done it, the media and Celebrity gits have spent money on it, wrecked a bit more of my career to put the nail on the Coffin and encouraged them to do more – this was therefore the last straw as it were.

They do claim I destroy my opportunity for success upon behaving in such ways but its as stupid as ever since such statements only gets me thinking anything which adds up to an interest of theirs was a threat to me. The Politicians do ask if I had a prognosis for their behaviour but it had always been the part where 5 persons get into an entertainment studio to make entertainment products but the exact stage at which it is about harming me will never be fully understood, so we can say its a matter of their ego. For my part however the outcome of their activities, especially in terms of the blabbing I have little prospects of success considering my behavior, generally means a criminal breach of patents through which my Office gets ring-fenced for me to write Books in peace, a failure to understand that as a writer, my business is to talk to people about things and none will have had the time to listen if their jobs were complicated, so my work is to make their jobs less complicated, which becomes more difficult with more media involvement and hence breaching my patents in a criminal fashion which further facilitates an outcome where they expected me to keep the secrets so they might continue to maintain jobs that were paying themselves to show up in public places and engage with crowd of people. They do on the other hand say that they would like to stop the whole thing permanently and this is where such information becomes useful, the story of curiosity as per what will happen if they did not stop it permanently however, was a case of me getting them to make allies of the criminals in order to develop entertainment products that harms me, so that people stopped picking up my Equities to make entertainment products which made criminals uncomfortable, thereby earning me their hate - how it goes from here is usually a generic, about which they will claim it would have been impossible to make it happen since I had spoken of it while all I had to do is set out the structures and invent an enforcement process.

They claim the problem with me to be that I am now completely incapable of accepting that others were right and I was wrong which I only respond to because the Media is willing to run it and run it and run it, just like they hang around telling me the meaning of what I had said if I pointed out those who did riots were not the criminals we complain about all the time, they were a handful of people who had no reason to end up in a life where they faced the complications that those who have committed crimes faced but ended up there anyway, that those who show up to make a mess are not really the concern necessarily, as the concern are those who have drawn up a link between burning the businesses of those who never stop whipping their bums, in order to make them stop, stop for a while to rebuild or leave town, like we hear the blabbing about war when the Media has not got a clue how it will play out. So they were right and I was wrong in terms of the fact that they do understand what the practical jokes white people play with market and money making looks like, especially now they have been making an obfuscation about my diet and ran off insults about being superior to me alongside the white people, after I had dropped out of University over it that is, all the way to Buckingham Palace and cannot now stop threatening me about the smell, still will not stop following me around over racism and how my personality can be used for popular culture and claim I fart in public. Apparently their greatest worry is to lose what they had built at my expense, especially for those who stupidities are coming from Ghana, hence are the only ones currently having fun.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland