They do make those stupid statements that I probably ought to get up, pick up myself and walk away from who I am, I have no idea who was going to make me anyway or indeed who is paying popularity and media gits to hide behind people’s products and paid for publicity, shooting off their middle-class insults at me. This fun has been entertained at my expense for the best part of a decade and a half at this stage and I would fancy that these fame idiots play with their own careers and cease all activity that involved altering my Bookshop for any reasons whatsoever. I mean when they initiate processes of distracting clients from what I am doing, it is the sort where people showed up at my Bookshop to make a mess of the entire establishment because they had money, which is the reverse of what should really happen as per people showing up to read Books because they had money and it’s like a full display of their stupid wickedness about which I have not run out of patience and they had run out of time – one more instance of a response from me for this sort of nonsense meaning that the celebrities responsible continue the business of running it off as a matter of the idea there was nothing I could do about them, I will take my own steps to move their famous stupidities on as well.

They do claim they were fighting my battles and that I am a coward; what we know in terms of the fighting my battles is that they simply spend a lot of time making out my responses were amusing when I felt unhappy about what is really an acceptable fall out associated with operating for the Government in some way i.e. being part of a Policy making system which takes away the liberties of parents and children who hurt other parents and children, so those who felt bad picked me up from the bathroom and shared what they found with boys on the streets and public transport operatives, to build communities that get imagination up my bum all day long, is a privacy problem or a bunch of wise arses with popularity and fame jobs can make it into a media circus and set about abusing me to feel important and grab my earnings when their stupidities were affected, looking for more of what they were complaining about. With respect to me being a coward, they enjoyed picking up my Royal Order to get off fighting enemies of America for US dollars and a bid to get rich fast, latest project being what their stupidities had dumped on a country by the border with Russia recently, showing up on public places to shoot off their big mouth at me endlessly as well. It now needs to play with its own career or I will take it that within the eventuality that every single one of their interest in me was not positive or a good thing and never likely to be a good experience, was not a matter they were likely to move on of their own accord and we will have a behaviour towards Celebrities where I will spare my health the trouble and just do nothing but wrought carnage every time their foolish practical jokes involved an alteration of my Bookshop. They do claim I should be afraid of their stupidities while I am not but we are now in a position where we are forced to talk about excuses and fun gimmicks that are developed to keep going what is really a process where this is all about a very twisted, stupid and unusual interest in a Book I wrote which they found relevant – so it’s a matter of celebrities having their own personal life problems, social lives, some character that curates their concerns and some entertainment activity to attend to but to make their day, my Bookshop gets altered and not in a good way, killing off my earnings every day, it first of all needs to stop making my personal life issues into a media circus because the talents that wrote my Books could only exist when divulged to make their stupidities feel more important or I will fuck them over with it properly for my part as well. The other idiots were all good naturally, I thought they were real fat cats and fat cats never liked people messing with their business while they were trying to engage with some decent women, the idiots do not even know where I am hitting them from while an average fat cats is practically an industrial genius – a bunch of phonies and fakes, ripping up my earnings every day and now gets off on media where it cannot allow my Bookshop look the way I set it out for a single moment on account it had publicity at its stupid finger tips, talking rubbish at me about walking away from my life.


In the meantime, it never stops making a total mess of my wealth equity buying products from every fool that picked up my service processes to pervert and thereby create a version of me that will serve their stupidities – not that it bothers me in a wider since, since they had ended up with exactly the sort of Clients, customers and investors that their stupidities have always dreams of, if I had not allowed it run, it would have become some huge big logistical problem that the government had to mitigate but we can see from this conversation that they still think of me as a toy they can play with while spending private funds to alleviate public problems because I felt insulted. The bottom line is that these famous idiots do not entertain a single form of involvement with me which is positive or good, I need to devise a way of ending all processes of altering my Bookshop and killing my earnings by developing various points of hatred by which I may get involved with their most professional and personal concerns as well – this is where we are, as it is will not stop on their terms.

I do think about it for my part however, perhaps I should have spent a great deal of time working on what people thought of me, so that I could become famous when I grew up but there is no indication I would have successfully halted the fact that in less than 15 minutes of having a conversation, a person is likely to be left feeling that they were going to do something that will cause the Police to intervene on my account, which then progresses to something about their groups and cliques that help them make money by racking up hospital attendances and bills for others, finished off once it realises I had set out my career or livelihood without an indication that I am suffering consequences of being part of such cliques and groups, of which the stupidities were now addicted to my personality, stifling my Book sales to make the most of it by attacking my Bookshop and killing off my earnings while they kept their own, the idiots are now entitled to my personality. The crime remains the same problem of involvement corruption by those of them who had access to publicity and Media on one hand, while on the other I was introverted and needed an effort to interact which have been rewarded. That said, this is all about people using me, wrecking my Books and finances, having completed the option of trying to make them honest at Market, which also helped to control what they did with resources they had access while the recovery from a recession was ongoing, I think I am now ready to trash their businesses and take over all that makes them relevant to me - end of 3/2022 is my deadline for this, I am writing this piece on 12/3/2022.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland