They do claim that I have achieved most of what I complain of all the time and I know I have, the problem is that they show up here to make a mess of it and produce statements which suggest that I would have been considered successful if I did what I did by spending a lot of money, the effect of spending money was therefore public exposure which I already had and they have spent time wrecking as such, the money then will become something they waited on the other end to claim for themselves, putting up stories I sleep with peoples wives once their male counterparts on media and Celebrity culture were done with the work environment lasciviousness. The outcome is that I cannot do this or do that due to a lack of money and everything I do goes to waste because I must be made to do it according to their own schedule. Since the product is then that I did not set up a financially intensive business or one that will make profit by hurting people, it has become a question of whether ignoring them solves a problem.

They claim I really do not want my work to be deployed for State service and its utter nonsense as this is the reason I put it all up on the websites, to prevent the idea I am keeping something to myself by which I will be bothered when I am off chasing other things. This however is an example of the pressure points that really get on my nerves; these goons have gotten rid of every person that would have liked the idea of picking the parts of my work that applies to their charge and left the rest for other interested parties and now they are in charge its an old story about men, something to do with them being advocates of Celebrity interests on one hand, while on the other I must now go into a lifestyle that will help to show I had given it up, while their friends at parliament had picked up industry insults involving middle management keeping imagination on peoples bums instead of the shop floor to ensure every parliamentary event brought about financial ruin (This two part nonsense where I spend hours standing at a premises to protect it as a security guard, the entire time wasted on whacking my head and poking my body parts, years later I find out it was a power built up to ensure every parliamentary activity brought me financial ruin adding up to the other gits at the Monarchy expecting me to get into a lifestyle which shows I had given up to the Government something I had placed on a website through which I served the Interests of the British Crown, as stupidly as possible, at the same time which all hell had broken lose to help them fight for the interests of Celebrities – now they tell me I have not won).

They do say people do these things not because they wanted me to change a behaviour but because they do not like me and I understand that too but I am not talking to them as such, the issue here is with another handful of goons that have created me a dangerous situation that their stupidities can work with - whenever I talk about such things, its need to extract money from my public image and run off short insulting videos it claims adds up to advertisement while its media fools set about controlling me for Celebrities, fat cats and industry trouble makers will encourage it to keep the controversy going by blabbing a low life ill news gimmicks at me and I suppose I have not yet got a history for their case that will allow me put a handle on it yet hence do need to acquire one.

They claim people hate me at the Monarchy since I am one of those characters who have achieved nothing but people had already risked their lives for my interests and its utter nonsense since what happens is that their insults and abuses are mainly a matter of either being superior or being a real Man, so when I let them move into my right hand side, they get hurt in some way and show up to bother me with no way to trace or substantiate the facts, leaving me to say they carry on because enough had not yet died as it were – beyond which I suppose then that they are projecting their stupid selves at me. In the end its an old story of knowing more about what Armed Forces operatives do while they work on a professional basis, its really difficult to pick things out and fool around with it like they love to suggest i.e. he was to clear out 5 acres occupied by Terrorists and he cleared out 4, so each time he achieved success, the terrorist mastermind will put out statements that he will die and there will be lots of industrial corruption, so upon reaching the 5th acre, he is rather convinced if he does not die, terrorist mastermind will do something else but then again they do put it out all the time that respect issues includes a process where what happens in the battle field stays there. For my part it’s a matter of finding at my disposal means of putting out structures that ensure if it was possible to get the soldier out before he made the ultimate sacrifice, then it should be taken as an experienced soldier is better than a new recruit, so what people hold against me all the time is the mental illness tailbacks which are easily avoidable if they did not spend all their time on media disturbing people endlessly. I do get told the full story about mental illness tailbacks in my case has not been told and yes it has not; the primary premise on which Military operatives think my activities mattered was the Sierra talents, only recently have the victor talents gotten involved because of the way people play up mans world gimmicks to make a mess of recruitment processes, especially what is linked to my Royal Order and they happened to be the best talents that can handle it, the women have gotten involved because there seems to be a link between me being a disturbed character and the level of risk their colleagues faced increasing but how people have responded to this continued to be a process of hanging around on media to plan career in a way that controls others for fat cats, industry trouble makers and celebrities on a provisional basis, once done running off a certain local leadership that disturbs people all day, I personally will one of these days get manhandled because their bottom hurt, as stupidly as possible and we see the same behaviour echoed by their Politicians who must find everything associated with security and corrupt it with one stupid responsibility after another, at the end of which they bring on the war and expect the same people they made a total mess of to take it out.

I am said to be an example of the fact that the British never get a thing done if they are not blaming others and if I cleared it up, I will be told that making compromises was important; where blaming people is concerned, what really happens is that they pick up my projects and make a mess of it and I have gotten into a habit of attaching their public image and accolade to those who get it fixed, it has the required effect but there has so far not yet been a case of physically getting them to fix it. Compromises apply when what they do is what they find money to provide for their well being for, I basically run my concerns to look after others who chase my interests in terms of the Men who come from the direction of seeking financial and economic matters and women who seek social life - both do exchange these roles but its their primary point of approach never the less - doing it like this has helped to resolve public matters in the best way imaginable and those who like to complain and make a mess are completely alien to it which is perfectly okay, the question they have to answer for those who do, is what they find appealing about destroying other peoples lives and property. What has really happened to make worse a problem involving ethnic minorities wanting to stifle my earnings in order to decide the state of their superiority, is that the Politicians have helped the parents to secure processes of making money by means that is very abusive, violent and insulting towards my person, what they then claim adds up to me giving away information to them all the time, really is a process where the Children do not want to be the ones who messed with me and lost it - so the Politicians now have to get into Government buildings and deal with characters that are constantly lurking in the local communities, to send out young people that run others down, while their children behaved in a way which suggested their distant violence will soon get somebody sending them out to perform a real one because of my actions. In the end it still comes down to the case that it is completely inescapable that I was designated to get into trouble with gangs and criminals and thereby make beautiful people more comfortable and famous, so regardless of what happens with me, they will always be found paying up practical jokes where I have done the best work for my career, the purpose of this being to ensure that they invent one foolishness after another which I had to tolerate and their foolish civil rights had looked like that once more. The rest of it is just some white idiots who never ever stop at any moment in the day building up all sorts of nonsense that will get me violated by society idiots, in order to make statements about which fighting I should get myself caught up in.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland