They do claim I am on the side of intolerance which I am not; we have arrived at that stage rather, where half the people at Industry had some sort of talent which got them to the top and the other had no talent whatsoever, so they relied on abuses and insults which they build communities for – the latter is linked to Celebrities and needs to stop trashing my finances, an example is the way that products made by Equity broker here produce an outcome in the market place where my assets end up in the hands of the general public as something that can help them feel good about life everyday – it is unimaginable to think of the level of abuse and insults and the rationale behind this sort of result, this sort of outcome. Like they always claim that I suggest they had no talent which is wrong whereas they don’t – it is a world of lasciviousness that answers all problems but I am bias about mentioning it because it is mostly linked to Aries Star signs and they perform most of their activities by reading star signs: I find them partially useful in the sense that what I think of as a group of people who always insultingly find their way into my concerns to make a mess of it, leaving me an option to attack their jobs as well which is sacrilege for me, is something they can make sense of to such an extent they were able to build public discourse from it, never mind the fact that each time I devised another way of working, I at some stage hit a brick wall, so this process of campaigning for family life, meeting people and getting to know how people really were was the correct way to proceed.

I am told that it is difficult to see how I am ever to recover from my current situation and it is utter rubbish, just the need these fools have to follow up a process of putting up stupid tests for others where chasing a career and livelihood is concerned, with some of the most abusive forms of it which involved telling me what to do, considering they had seen my talents and ability, a real source of contention while their stupidities developed extra habits to discuss my attitude with Politicians each time and the Politicians that comply with it have never actually stopped complaining about when I got to hit back as well. The reality of it is that there is nothing wrong with my career, save a process of being showered with so much insolence the Public cannot engage with my Bookshop and leading the abuses are famous idiots borrowing my Public image while the fools described above were their Daddy characters, looking like something I can only deal with if I harmed, they borrow my public image to such an extent that I become an Arch Prince that needed to get a job. The job aspects on the other hand was something I did since I had been so badly affected by nefarious activities taking place in the work environment and it was steadily getting worse – in any case which there was none that was going to walk up to me and tell me to give up a job if I am an Arch Prince, considering they spend most of their time claiming that if I were, I would get into trouble, hence I am not until when I want to be. I do get told its dangerous but it is and the danger only encourages me to go down a certain path of making an exhibition of myself over their social problems, civil rights issues and poverty, in a bid to build them such toxic living conditions and neighbourhoods, that their exit only lay in gimmick associated with sex, drugs and rock and roll. The rest of it is a matter of issues associated with Governmental corruption that may take advantage of my position and actions, which really do not exist; an example is the state of the NHS after the Labour Party, always first to make the mess naturally, turned it into a tool for political ‘ping pong’ – now they claim it’s the Conservatives that are likely to sell it to the highest bidder, while evidence is that they had eliminated all social arrangements associated with having a Welfare State and an NHS because they want to be able to inflict suffering on those who think they should not be hanging over people’s heads telling people what to do insultingly, while their foolish fame idiots made the most of it at the markets – these include a process where you pay 50% tax and yet when you are on your way to work, your conscience is not at rest because there is a homeless man begging down the road or even a dead body on account that people could not afford Health Care. It seems that there is need for something drastic to occur, in order for us to enter into a social and government state where we got to listen to less insolence and more truth.

We get told they had reasons for engaging in these activities which I did not doubt they did as such - its the Geopolitics gimmicks and a need to cling to my earnings naturally, about which I dropped out of University 12 years earlier, never given a reason for it all to this day, although I still have to tolerate their involvement and its insults every day.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland