The point that the press have raised at this stage is that what I am doing was not right, so I suppose what is lacking is details of what they have done with my career for two decades so far and the way they have gotten accustomed to the applicable abuses, beyond the fact that for them, it is not even a matter of treating others badly because they were financially comfortable, as much as there was a way to suggest it was the fault of the victims, to such an extent that even if those they took advantage of to get financially comfortable were to be jeopardised, they would jump at the opportunity all of the time. In my case, everything leading up to 2008 when I dropped out of University because they turned up there to finger bums, was all due to a need to unleash hoodlums on my so called personality which people handled to feel good, because it would later add up to people they could call on to protect them if others wanted to fight back – from 2008 to 2012, it was an industrial mess where I had to hurtle down a rabbit hole to prevent people making a mess of my career whilst my entire life went around in circles until I met the requirement for an individual they described as a bum and could run down on the streets to pursue what they wanted, any time they needed to, culminating in such an abusive gimmick that built up a sense that if due to my patents, the public had engaged with my Books, there had to be a way that they could divert that public interest towards another product that will ensure the taking at the market was their own – from 2012 to 2017, I had it tidied up with abuses and insults being thrown at me on the streets, culminating in a job at the private security industry, which was where poof persons born under the birth sign of Leo, showed up once again to show people how to make money getting imagination up my bum an upstart, owing to the way that the Scorpios talking nonsense about sexual assault and the Virgos lip flapping about making industry from ageism had begun to crumble – so we are now doing every mess that the press, public transport idiots and politicians have made of my career and career publicity, as to say that I had X work set out for professional reasons and if they picked up my career publicity for gimmicks, they could achieve a process where I only paid my Bills if I served their stupidities, making such a mess that we are now talking about the way that in the western world, the manner in which public security was devised and implemented relied on individuals, building up to those insults about the ways they performed these activities because there was nothing I could do about them, whilst some communists had bought my Books and they had not, to turn out with well off neighbourhood middle class threats that suggested I was a threat to public and National interest and likely to get attacked with a big mouth. I mean I do get told they were very vile personalities and that I never talk about it in terms of the actual reasons I am being targeted but it is a simple matter of being able to say that they provoked me into a response and my response provided them with ideas on how to set out a service for wealthy people who wanted to be treated like Royalty, hence we are working the part about how wrong what I am doing is, simply because they were greedy but for me, it is a matter of just going from avoiding mental illness by making sure my responses were painful due to the way it was half the time fun and half the time serious, up to the point where questions were raised, to get an answer from them as to how long it would take their stupidities to arrive at a decision about jumping on a band waggon if  a quasi-criminal assured them that handling me in such ways would help to make them money. Here we run through the question of the idea that I knew what to do but did little as my activities were being frustrated by corrupt politicians who come up with what I would have said on the basis of my birth date, to execute applicable financial punishment, after they decided where and how I would have said it, if they made it up, to turn out lip flapping their peoples children who got elected the other time idiocy at me whenever they thought their corruption had become so well matured that no matter what the outcome was, they would get away with the money. Unofficially, we are talking about a level of damage to my career and finances as can lead to an outcome in which I got them to cease fooling about with client interests, by picking up the well off neighbourhoods in order to maintain the Bookshop, then the private security industry corruption, the rogue landlords and the abusive shop keepers, to progress beyond the way that the boys were about fighting communists on my behalf, after making such a mess of my career that quasi criminals were now able to build narcissism platforms for solving personal problems, which provided them enough financial incentives when they pillaged my public image, to say that they were more willing to commit crimes as they could mitigate other social matters that may tether their stupid minds, whilst the women  were now off fighting the narcissism platform on my behalf because it was the product of a need to show up here trying to flush my life down the loo, being entitled to pass insults at me, on account there was publicity to the effect that I had some business with female community, then again it does not really do much for me to engage in the conversation naturally as they have suggested that we were in a situation where they were the people who were likely to get worse, that is, if they were complaining that I am in league with communists as well but the insults, pulling my legs and holding me down for hoodlums who had nothing to lose, to work bum fingering popularity industry upstart stupidities on me, had not been shut down and there was whole societies and national media complains about my responses every day. So officially, I am to ascertain what their famous stupidities were doing with my Bookshop and the shop client interests by a deadline, so that it may be possible to show what I am doing with client finances and financial information when people engaged at the Bookshop, it is an opportunity for their stupidities to decide what they were doing with my Bookshop as well and if it is simply the matter of being backed up by German influence pricks I am supposed to be afraid of, whilst they worked any stupidities they wanted with my career, ranging from a need to control people who got involved with me, up top the point where they wanted to control me as well, with this outcome in which there was always an issue every day, concerning how I can be provoked into a response that will allow them to treat people who spent money on them as Royalty, then there was never a point to this conversation in the first instance. For their part, they have said that although I was broke from these activities, I had refused to accept that money was the most important issue here, its stupidities continued to show up here making my world smaller – Government operatives will need more body guarding security and I will need to pin point which person wants to engage with my Books at the markets, after which I will then set about paying the Bills too, needs to keep its mouth shut and show up here only to read a book; I am obviously not yet an official bum, so that their children will become so terrified of me that they would not be able to attend school, so it is all good for the time being so far, well off neighbourhoods with their famous poofs; the boys were fighting communists on my behalf, whilst the Girls attacked my career publicity.

I am not an enemy of theirs as such, did not care if they were mine either – the facts are that sociological matters surrounding my career led to a process where I had work done to assist some female journalists that stood up in public to educate the crowds about government and industrial activities etc, to which effect their need to control others got me dropping out of University, once they were done controlling the female colleagues, they got about controlling the male, now they want to control me. I did warn them performing that nonsense if I were some broke Royalty that got a job, when I was engaged with the work market, will be the last of their reading my Birth sign to send out people from birth signs I am supposed to be afraid of gimmicks that I will be willing to tolerate and they di the radio wave lesbian abuses again, corrupting and trashing my relationship with employer to make the abusive ones the way that I got paid: so to begin with, I do not know why it is that each time I eliminated that stupid state of affairs where people got to behave as if I am in a marital relationship with them and we got close enough to make sense of each other’s thoughts, so that the outcome became that they had a need to insert things into my orifices, their media and famous stupidities will rebuild it and show up making demands, including a process of securing my personal life to build restaurants as rogue landlords may, because once done with their stupidities they had to eat to stay healthy. The rest of it will be the part where it is now abusive Scorpio, vagabond Virgo and Poof Leo, whilst they lip flap about the stupidities they performed when I worked the private security industry, to show up stifling my Bookshop for another 5 years, over claims I am too much of a coward to deserve it, I am certain they will enjoy it, especially after I made out on being properly satisfied with what I wanted to do, that they had won the fight again. In the end they do claim it was the local authorities doing it – the local authorities that were fed up paying up the unemployment support that is, now need an education that if I were a broke royalty that had to get a job, there was nothing wrong with the jobs that were changing hands at the work market and they may want to keep their birth sign idiots off my bum and body bits, if complaining, no idea which role the famous gits played in the matter altogether.

It does love to issue the threats, when they forget their place, as a bunch of gits who needed to fight some communists on my behalf because I wanted them to take responsibility for making such a mess of my career, that criminality gits were able to build a narcissism platform for solving problems associated with male society on it, whilst the women will soon need to go from being entitled to pass insults at me, a well off neighbourhood gimmicks, to getting it tidied up. Needs to stop accessing the public leadership career and social life arrangement, as it is meant to ensure public leadership can get into the muck and complete administrative tasks, considering their stupidities are not public figures and the need to use it as a bum covering tool with an effect that they became healthier than ever, eat some exotic foods and show up to threaten me, is not going to end as well as they assume it will, fooling around all the time. I do not hate famous people either, they simply never stop making such a mess goading me over public control problems, calling me names and running me down, first of all which it seemed they read my birth sign rather well, so the stress is not the cause of all our problems but there is also the fact that they cannot be caught stopping it when dead, it is all inevitable, distracts and makes a mess of everything but the other git had to get involved with Government and ensure I am caught up with it, showing up here to indicate their stupidities may have underestimated what I am capable of when I want to keep it permanently, whilst there was a 2 decade career mess behind me. It is not the case that I am vulnerable to them as claimed as such more so, I am simply the coward they said I am, so they need to continue with these abuses and I need to assist them with the publicity, so it grew big enough for their famous gits to be affected too, needs to stop goading me over public control, although I must say I am responding to the point being raised, I do not think they will stop and I will have to say that Celebrities, NHS Ambulance gits who claim the Police distracts neighbourhoods and grandmothers on my behalf, after which shows up to secure protection from bottom chasing hoodlums at my expense when I try to attend my daily tasks and local authority gits deciding that I am supposed to fight somebody is likely to be the next auspice upon which I incurred a reputation for causing a public crisis.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland