Eventually we nd up with those questions about the way new generations believed themselves to be cleverer than previous ones which is utter nonsense as the wise assess passing such nonsense around were the people at Government buildings who decide the problems of a previous generation should be visited on new ones, although new ones came with their own problems and we have not known them to spend any time with the up standing members of the public they loved to run down all the time. In any case of which they were also running a Country where we have seen the most corrupt version of such nonsense, made of idiots who never do anything unless there were linked up actions which ensure nothing progressed as nature intended and spent most of their time with ageist gits who had spent more time in the work force, compared to people they wanted something from, which for some reason added up to the most acceptable way to ask, with fame idiots all over it putting up financial leverage and considering themselves entitled to shower others with the insolence.

There isn’t really a crisis here as such, I had these matters properly resolved by 2015, I am writing this in 2024, during which time I have yet again had a work relationship converted into a bum fingering up start gimmick by famous idiots and radio wave lesbians, so it is the last tolerance for me – more so as we can see that in that time, the source of all stress has been the local authority twats that were investigating me for social security and a group of idiots who needed to determine that my Book was not a threat to the male population before my clients could engage with it, of which if I could take the Books off the market and make them again to avoid their feelings, since this was their fucking lives, I would have done so, as stupidly as possible. We have arrived at a point where the famous were now in such a position as to make a few mistakes that handed me control of the show business, whilst boasting about causing me a hard time, so that I may show how much of a great use for my time it was to spend it ripping up show business on account I had to rescue myself. Beyond this, they were still running off those insults to shove me for home wreckers, the way their Politicians shove me for every idiot who would do anything for money but wanted other people to suffer the negativity being able to make use of my personality; we know the latter is now fed up paying up the social security and is working with the famous idiots who had due to a period of inaction on my part that serves as a history for their government office gimmicks, to make me homeless which is a proper motivation for some serious action that will put this matter to rest. The famous on the other hand with the home wreckers, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeping friends were an old story that would otherwise have understood me rather well, so this is what I needed to re-enact.

The Politicians have raised the point it was impossible to make sense of the way the small things the famous did affected me so much, after years of shoving me so my academic pursuits were a mess and there was a huge qualifications gap with respect to my career, so it was easier to work me over social issues but I will run it through anyway i.e. it shows up here to goad me over public control matters, it goads me for what I have done with my Office and ensures its view that it had a problem with the idea I am relevant to society in anyway was expressed, the stupidities will continue the insults and greed and goad me over what I did over claims it loved it and loved it, goad me over what I did to ensure it was never worked in a cold confined office, to claim that it goaded me and continued the insults and greed civil disobedience over my finances because it loved what I did so much it felt like getting into a fight with somebody over it, on and on - it now knows that it is a few steps away from doing something stupid enough to hand me control of the show business considering how stressful this nonsense is and its stupidities taking revenge on me for the stress it experienced because of it, why it has become so important to get rid of the silly show business too.

So by sheer method of distraction, greed and insults, the achievement is that other people would progress from skipping the business of asking parents how bills were paid, to living on social security, then to homelessness and then to living below the breadline at retirement - everything I have done to prevent this nonsense affecting my finances had failed because their stupidities were incredibly important people - 2001 to 2024, and I assume they were keeping score too.

I was now stuck with this stupid conversation about the ways that I believed I could control women – what we know to be true with respect to the female and famous persons insults naturally being that I for instance may have shopped for my groceries in a location, about which a group of idiots will set out fooling around with my overseas interests, performing activities associated with rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeping that their famous idiots were usually overjoyed for, making a mess everywhere for me, to which effect I had fashion models in a coven retrieving market and working publicity on it, this sort of conversation therefore was an example of the insults and the pathological lies that these fools peddled endlessly but most of all evidence that it was important they got to spend their time with their own mates. We do not make it up as we go along contrary to their ideas, at some stage the Government decisions were made on the basis of age – toddlers to 5 year olds, 6 year olds to 12 year olds, 13 year olds to 18 year olds, 18 year olds to 65 year olds, 65 year olds and beyond; such that when it claims I had a history which got me where I am by experimenting with women, needed to understand I have had enough of its stupidities and it needed to avoid the history that involved an expectation that if peddling insults at me to a point where a lack of response leads to the building of communities that helped them fulfil dreams of putting things into my orifices, annoyed me well enough, its gimmicks were supposed to get an education from me in return, whilst its taller boyfriend was more deserving of a career that I picked up even though it was too much for me, it was clearly evidence they considered themselves to be a bunch of awesome bitches. On the point that I had fallen behind however, this was never the case, reality is more a matter of Politicians assuming the gimmicks that famous idiots performed which involved ingratiating themselves into other peoples concerns to order peoples steps and get people doing things for them ever stops, hence the corruption that involved shoving me and ensuring my University academic pursuits were never completed, started off stupidly enough and currently fed up paying social security for beginners – on the other hand the famous idiots were borrowing my public image which stifled the Bookshop, the way we regularly start the day with conversations about the kind of man I am being the type that thinks I can control women and the male ones spending everything I did about it to protect female abuses, is leading to a consequence whereby considering it got serious once, my next response will be the last thing I did on the matter.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland