They do claim the nature of their insanity and confusion was of the kind that I had chosen to be dishonest about the fact it had ended badly for me at Government and the Monarchy – to clear this up the facts had to be reiterated, that what people said at Government was what they wanted others to know, what they did at the Office was the actual job and public office operatives who used this as a tool to go about treating others like animals in order to amass wealth for their families were generally looking for trouble because they could and probably possessed the means to wade the ways victims might push back, if not the case then according to their opinion, so each time that such nonsense gets the better of me, the reason for it was a National level insults and greed worked through a press Narcissism facilitated by another group of idiots that were paid to do something else entirely. Then again if I did not wish to explain what attacking me and expecting the King to get involved in their favour, I have warned their famous and media stupidities for enough times at this point, so if this nonsense affects clients ability to engage with the Books at any point in time, from my point of view a 2 decade career mess coming to an end in this way, they ought to prepare for war at work too. Some people have raised the point that it was something I did because I could like we hear them claim the King had decided they ought to cease fighting National enemies on my behalf and I ought to get on and do it myself – they either do understand what interference with clients meant they ought to prepare for war at work as well meant or they firstly did not care and secondly are still maintaining the position that they share my privacy with hoodlums and criminals to build communities that finger my bum and allowed them to fulfil dreams because they were bigger than I am.

Other still make the point that I could be more honest about what is happening to me but there is no more honesty than what I had said, The King is entitled to access my possessions but not really such that I am left living on social security, that is something that government office operatives did, somewhere between what their Offices required of them and what they said to others which would mean a completely different thing and set others in a completely different light when it showed up on media, so some tended to pretend it was an opportunity to cause others immense suffering over ideas that people should somehow know more about their offices and maybe tell them what to do or bear the responsibilities for them so they might seek and easier more corrupt existence because they either possessed the backing when those they abused pushed back or the backing existed only in their heads. Not clear what the role of the Media and the Celebrities in the matter was but they were really fond of showing up making a mess, causing matters to get out of context, for instance I ma Royalty and there was a tendency for some of the most corrupt among us to stop at nothing if they felt that others were taking responsibility for their misdeeds, shows up uninvited, makes a proper mess and hangs about on a Media withy insults and greed that helped its stupidities cling to any aspects of my concerns I had denied them, suggesting it was all another person’s responsibility i.e. it is either they know what messing with my clients should mean you prepare for war at work meant or they do believe that it did not matter, like my 2 decade career mess due to the fact Political idiots simply have never once achieved a result where they got me to do something, stood over me to supervise me do it and step on me if they wanted, like their big mouths tended to suggest.

On the point raised that I caused some of these by the way I talked, I do suppose then that once a bunch of people were done fooling around with my temperament to leave me with a two decade career mess which had continued entirely due to their civil and sometimes criminal disobedience, they would then progress onto the right to decide how I talked about it and in what tone I did or this was rather what they were saying. All I require is that since I created an intellectual property administration product in a condition where those who most created the market for it did so on the basis of picking me up like something to play with on the streets, I fancy this place was as simplistic as I had made it but also as serious as I had made it considering the products being sold, I would like the famous to fool around somewhere else. On the point I am only taking out on others the consequence of being stuck with society gits, as far as I am aware, the only problem I faced was their need to pick up my public work, make a mess of it, repeat it for their own self reinvention, sell products on it and generally kill the whole public service process and goad me over public control matters, which are activities they could easily cease to pursue, as it leaves me feeling as if I had taken a veil of poison, feeling overworked which criminals made the most of and the health scares had since set in, another that needed to fool around until they had to catch their breath elsewhere. The point of whether the business with Celebrities could be patched up is not an emotive one either - if I had developed wealth politics as ensured characters that tended to spend their incomes making other peoples existence a hellish experience ended up faced with products being offered which were affiliated to an Arch Prince which position they will never have and hence the tendency to solve their happiness problems by making others financially comfortable, as a method of solving the problem associated with their inability to allow others concentrate on the daily affairs, why is it then that people affiliated with them were working my wealth politics as well, if the purpose of creating it was to ensure their inability to respect other peoples boundaries was brought under control? So I will be getting the get rich immoral men society under control, especially the Americans on this matter, just as much as I will hand pick the Celebrities I associated myself with as it certainly had to stop.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland