They say I would not say these things where they were at their best and it is about taking risks apparently. What we know as a matter of a certainty is that they reach arrangement with Public transport operatives to spend a lot of time insulting me in Public to churn my tummy and build up to a sense that I was due for violence over it, so that it can be said there was an arena where those who did not like me could attack me, only to get around complaining of my attitude to the Politicians because they interfere like this every time I step outside of my door to attend my concerns – the reason for this was a need to build an exceptionality for their children whom they claimed were superior boys, in order to achieve a mans world, thus where it was clear that if criminals were befriending them more than the criminal attention was paid to me, they needed to find their mates and stop pushing it as it were. Its as they say none could have guessed how much I disliked Celebrities but it is a matter of people who are unhappy being unhappy with my feelings, when angry they were angry with my temper, when they fought their corner, they fought with my body and it gets increasingly abusive, so they devise a way to ensure they killed off their image as losers by attacking me all together; reasons we had arrived at this point where I am about to enjoy my war on Celebrities from a certain social disposition as well. There is that other story raised about the way I run my affairs being a terrible thing but I am convinced it was rather okay – whilst we know that it was the residual problem with their narcissism in the first place, then the part where we dealt with it as a Community and the existence of characters who wanted exception and claimed they could handle their own but showed up looking for conveniences that they tackled everybody to get every day, making sense of which one was likely to assist others if they found somebody in need etc – I do not understand why sorting out my financial matters to make them feel more comfortable with my existence was so important and I should know, since it was messed up by a Labour party to built up areas of relationships I had with my parents for all the wrong reasons in the most public places and they had deployed it as a tool to get paid for being popular. In the end these are the sorts of problems for which a wealth equity system was developed; the question has been a matter of a song that earns somebody 5 million pounds and is still in circulation and was about the time they got passionate for some reason on account of the problems they created for others, especially if they were because the Police got involved, the question being whether I had the stomach for it but we have now also reached the part where we need to get back to a business of making popular culture that way, if after stopping us to engage in an 8 year campaign of intense revenge, they have created the problem again and are complaining about it to a point of issuing threats at the innocent people they took advantage of i.e. the purpose of my activities being to build up enough equity for it, about which they say there were places I would not do them.

The question is then raised about my view of the whole male and female crisis all over the world, but it is never really an emotive issue even for those who waste other peoples time on it, simply because they were unable to keep their hands to themselves and to cease telling lies. As much as we know that men build themselves into a society where they beat down women so badly that it became easier for the women to give up control of the bodies, and those who did not faced higher risks of violent access, there were equally bad women out there for as many numbers of these kinds of men that there was. I am simply supposed to keep out of it and ensure it does not affect what I did with myself between 18 and 65 as that was always their main target, the singular reason I have been affected involved other peoples idiot children who got elected and another group of idiots that had achieved a media presence shoving me into it, trashing the finances and academic pursuits to make such an outcome possible. Then we quickly find that they had told those who were born under birth signs I am supposed to be afraid of, some strange stories, armed them and clung to both my personal life and career publicity to solve problems associated with their stupid personal decisions – my two favourites being that when I defended myself from these people who were of an astrological signs I should be afraid of as a Libra, they trashed my career and hung about local authorities talking nonsense about social security fraud on my part, because they were born under those astrological signs, at the same time the other group of fools have stalled my Bookshop for the last 14 years because they were not certain that the Books were not an affront to the interests of the male population without actually paying for their own copy of the Books in order to find out. It starts like this, stupidly enough, until the whole business with Scorpios and Virgos tackling me over what they were told about people they could dominate which encouraged them to try and take advantage of me, went badly wrong and I ended up with another history I got away with, considering for the time being they were complaining about the moral of a story in which I was first a character they could step on without consequences but am now a character about whom there were questions on the mystery of not actually being brave enough to keep my career, especially with respect to the Scorpios who preferred it to the business of fighting the twats in the expensive homes and high rise buildings who were oppressing its stupidities with wealth, because the Political pricks loved it. It is not actually a crisis from this point either – these fools are supposed really to hang about somewhere complaining that their insults encouraged my wife to have more babies which children will be born and raised in the environment their stupidities had created, so if it hurt badly enough they would then ransack my holiday home as a bunch of hoodlums, not show up here clinging to my income and career publicity lip flapping market philosophy at me every day. It was fun when it was, the trashing of my finances and academic pursuits to shove me endlessly, now that I have to respond to these gimmicks sticking to my mind due to the relentlessness that is afforded by the shortfall in the qualifications necessary for a job that I created for myself, I was being asked the stupid questions as well. In the end it is said that I will never be free of the problem unless I tackled the root cause and the root cause is largely that these publicly abusive activities where indicative of what these idiots said to themselves in secret when they made a complete mess of facts concerning what I really wanted which was the other question they raised i.e. unless I write their Books around here or made their personal decisions for them, the bread and butter of my business was an environment in which those who read what they saw will not end up picking up something that may traumatise them later on, before I begin to build on the career publicity having secured the actual work that I a meant to do, in a world where people were telling Scorpios and Virgos the stupid things they needed to keep peddling until they had to complain of what I got away with as well. These are all a product of what they tell themselves when they were having fun from the fact that these activities of theirs were incredibly vile but the item that appeared to have been missing was that they were exhibiting it with respect to another person’s life and existence – I used to think there was actually no pathogen responsible for heart disease but we now know there is increasingly visible research results from the medical profession which showed that the heart does not ever get sick, so nature did its part and it seems heart disease whatever it means, is something we do to ourselves and I will definitely fuck their own well enough for the amusement too.

As for the question that I never respond to these activities in a real way, first of all which they were a bunch of cowards who were afraid of death, about which I got to pay the price everyday being one of their so called little brothers, getting on my nerves, more recently embarked on an 8 year campaign to ruin my career, just so it was possible to say that when I worked it whilst they got s tick up my bum, I would have worked it on their behalf or worked it to serve their stupidities. The rest was more a matter of whether I knew how to get back to being myself whilst it was easier for the idiots to cease goading me over public control matters if they apparently had a history in which nobody had to remember them for a long period of time on account they needed to be in a position where they could both take advantage of those who did nothing about crime as well as those who did, a matter of the government office idiots helping them secure an explanation for the unusual interest in my person being run off to such an extent it actually made sense to the public, at which point we will end up with a problem – the one we have currently is to do with the warnings I issued about turning my work place into another bum fingering upstart gimmick for me which was completely ignored and they got on to do it never the less, the stupid radio wave lesbians expressing what is a process where distance was the only reason that clinging to my career publicity did not produce a result in which they laid hands on me with a big mouth. In the end they claim I had become an official enemy of the USA which is utter nonsense as the Americans invented some practical jokes to target me by and I had done everything in my ability to keep those jokes affecting my career and finances to no avail, in fact physical evidences were everywhere that everything I had done to prevent this had failed, it fails like so apparently because this was an environment they would have loved to live in as well, hence the things I had to do to stop it – the rest of the gits that I am apparently exposed to were an old story naturally, the insults and greed was the bread and butter, the mental illness was everything save the part where they needed National governments and public media to handle somebody their famous stupidities winds up every day. It is the same as they claimed they were so big all I am doing and really can do is talk, when it is not yet a matter of their stupidities being restricted to their careers because I had decided on a series of actions which ensured those that can beat up will never stop lip flapping and those that cannot will never stop hurting themselves with the stupid well off neighbourhoods as a centre piece, I think personally, the fact their corrupt security guards cannot keep their hands to themselves is about to serve the motivating factor for it all together.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland