They do claim I lived in a deluded world in which I was unable to see ow stupid my activities were but reality of course is that granted people showed up at University to finger my bum until I dropped out, my physical appearance when I went there was none of their business to begin with – now that we are in a situation where the government decided the work I was meant to complete with myself in terms of the reasons I ended up at University was meant to be done at a certain period of time and I now have tools at my disposal to get that work done, as to say that my career was in a particular location with respect to the government also having a prison service which I needed to avoid, would they say that their activities achieved this aim, helped people to achieve this aim with tools that people had and that mine was stupid enough to be noted by them, considering that they were working with Government or would they like to confirm that the reverse was the case? It speaks of things that people said to provoke its stupidities into an unusual interest in my person which helped to make sense of the idea it was in charge and needed people to understand such facts, of which we know those things people said were being said by the people it travelled overseas to bring into the country due to a need to make good a nepotism that it wanted to work in my direction and continues to live in a delusion that had failed to accept that I do not in any way consider it my responsibility – secondly it has explained this unusual behaviour channelled at me over things people said as a matter of the things people said being the things that people who were born under the same astrological sign as me usually said, but it has now picked up a campaign and drawn a crowd for it, that I am a stupid person who lived in a deluded world where I had failed to see how stupid my activities were, pretends this nonsense is what is required of the governmental office on the streets and continues to make it up as it goes along despite the fact it understood that people got seriously hurt and killed at Government. On the question of the reasons people liked to think I am a stupid person, it was an old story about the fact that it felt as if its stupidities wanted to be the centre of attention every time I did something about public control matters and had since resorted to blackmail for the villainy of it, showing up on the shop-floor of parliament to shoot off its big mouth at me endlessly – so the people causing the public control problems had since decided if they channelled the public control problems they caused towards my anus and penis, clung to my public image and sold some of it to those who wanted to part with money on their behalf, they would wake up to money they cannot account for and my affairs would be debilitated badly and so they did, these idiots however have not stopped spending what I did to stop this on themselves for villainous beauty, talking nonsense about a sense others were stupid as well, this therefore had since grown into a fantastical opinion of me that got darker and darker and was turning towards narcissism at this point, needs to stay away from my Books as that is likely to serve an undoing for every prick involved in these gimmicks.

I could never tell if this was due to the fact they were losing control and needed to ask a question that they were unable to ask properly, I believe for my part that I have issued the warnings about these sorts of clowning around at my expense; it is going to produce a result in which I attacked them and their career to a point where their silly children were too afraid to attend school considering what their stupidities were fucking around with. It all feeds into the other claim that I am a low achiever, whereas I am aware the cause of my problems was their famous idiots clinging to my career publicity and perverting my public work for celebrity culture gimmicks and it does not show signs of stopping because they had incredibly big egos until it really did. It is not the endless conflict that people believed it to be either, only a bunch of idiots ripping and tearing at my finances from one direction whilst on the other direction I am holding myself back from taking advantage of it to inflict wealth and social inequality on them considering they have not spent their time properly and have spent it on me for the wrong reasons more so, held back by pity - the pity by which I have ended up living on social security whilst they have clung to my Books for 15 years curated by American idiots, about which I am not being shown any pity myself - it will not refrain from the insults naturally until its stupidities really had to.

Eventually was the point raised concerning American led world wide gimmick of people clinging to my Royal finances assets for some online criminality publicity and get rich gimmicks they claim showed they were able to earn money by avoiding work, which Politicians and famous loved to fool around with endlessly after making it possible for them by overworking me – the point that if Politics was taken up by the clever persons, we would have been able to avoid most of the problems but I did not think I would engage with it so heavily in context of my career, what is really needed is a base society that meant those who prepared and trained for it did not turn out like the twats we currently endure every day, feeds into the National security and realities such that the nuclear deal with the communists was about to expire in a matter of month as of the year 2024 during which I had written this with evidence and history showing we do not need the sloppy scientists that made good TV  decrying the fact they had become destroyer of worlds whilst they could always have informed the Politicians of the true destructive power concerning the weapons they were building. I would speak of this said society in terms of the tools we had being that Politicians usually met with the public and it was huge parties and functions, even the refreshments for it came from specific businesses, they could if they came up stuck with policy refer to these kinds of public meetings considering the outcomes and how it decides the way that they made Law, if they overstepped there would be a whistle blower etc, these are the tools we had to develop a base society where we did not end up with these kinds of politicians and scientists, never mind my history of dropping out of University over other peoples interest in my personality and the way they never kept their imagination out of peoples private parts which decides how they behaved and the unimaginable risks their stupidities took with the rest of us because they feared others might do the same and wanted to avoid all situations in which they were exposed to the same. The newest thing these idiots have done following up from overworking me so online criminals picked up my finances and continued to stifle my Bookshop to get rich, is to pick up my career publicity for their own gimmicks and explain their actions as that which only real men could accomplish, in the meantime, another group of idiots that will not stop running the overwork for a Prince gimmicks because they were a bunch of localised terrorists, claimed they were the candidates for the said society I had described and their insults were the reasons I was facing a health scare, will not yet on its terms learn to match the need for access to a whole parliament, national press and famous idiots to handle a person it annoyed obsessively everyday with a process where they kept their imagination away from my body bits.

It eventually comes down to the matter of these idiots getting about with their Politicians who sanctioned the stupidities by which they were seen getting involved with my affairs as if I am a piece of meat; the two part questions have come to bear at this stage i.e. what I want to do about their need to wreck my career if the local authorities have progressed from funding my social security, to extracting money from my career which is many times more than I got from social security after years on living in hell on it and were also working me for homelessness to make the most of their society of insults and greed and the other question of what happened the first time I pushed back when I pushed back and stopped doing so, to which effect my entire life ended up on a dead end, so I needed to keep pushing until people died, if it so transpires that I am not a monster after all. The subject matter this time being the opinionated ageist idiots showing up all over my career publicity, crashing my finances to help other people to my income and running off narcissism on my personality which when thought of as something cultivated in a religious environment really expresses what this nonsense was all about, to get rich fast, so I do actually think it ought to go the same way as the idea I ought to find a cause and lose my life as soon as their stupidities had learned how to make the most of my personality and career publicity, which as I mentioned had already led to a series of results in which people died. It is like nothing I have ever seen - the state of my finances encourages open street public bullying and the same two groups of people calling for it, being these government office idiots and their famous fools, have careers in which what they have gotten better at doing stage after stage, promotion after promotion is to ensure that each time I worked at Industry and forged a partnership with the public, should it be one in which people were to buy a product, they would then get to sell whatever it is that they were doing and rip up everything doing so - always lip flaps until it stops badly, so currently it is not stopping and therefore serves as a test as to whether I will not get away scot-free with another nefarious response to it.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland