events were of an economic context, pressure building on House hold bills and
energy bills, we find that the government faced resistance where it needed to
freeze energy bills and we had to work to ensure Polices that needed
implementing faster were implemented faster, the idea being that from this
point of view, we can see some important facts emerging – such as the time that
will be wasted on resistance from the energy companies whilst a Business is
really supposed to be a self sustaining organism not
a contraption held together with a process where some goon had turned up to be
the right hand man of those whose money ruled the world and then overpowered
them whilst the public paid the price for it, unless they were the tax man i.e.
doing the business of Government – their business is not self-sustaining, it
undercuts the clients at income, remains in such a position and undercuts the
client further when it needs the client to be reliant, it is a tax system for
the private sector and we know that this sort of business organisation was the
main cause of the economic crisis that really began in 2007; the businesses and
financial organisations that were too big to fail because they had picked up a
business model which is the reserve of the Government and it is for what their
ethics were doing, set up in such a way that even if it was a business
organisation that had not picked up the operational reserve of Government, it
was still a bad structure, such that if they realised that making profit was
hurting the source of their profit, they could not innovate or shut down. The
other side of the story is that we were facing crisis after crisis but there is
really none, just a bunch of people who got involved with politics to spend a
lot of time tackling others on areas of work for which they had no expertise –
it will then arrive at a stage where it claims that such activities added up to
competition and then for each day it competes with those who had expertise, its
competitors will end up with one more day of expertise added and they will end
up with one more day of experience, eventually arriving at a point where they
were supposed to be better than the competitors in order to prove they were in
charge and none knows when exactly such a day will arrive. I have been told
that I faced the same issue as well which is utter nonsense as I do not need a
PHD in legal studies for which I am qualified, to assist the Head of State on
Administrative matters; in my Office it is mostly a process of administrating
the way that people organised themselves into communities that saw others
without the clothes on and fingered peoples bums to get ahead in life
financially, where the men were concerned and where the women were, the violent
orthodoxy that would easily allow them to convert the time they spent at home
running people down in the neighbourhoods, into a form of religion, where I put
a lid on it and the Queen likes my work; hence we see that some people clearly
had paid jobs that involved collecting peoples wealth for the wealthy and are
starting to inform me that wealthy and powerful people were behind all these
matters, which means nothing to me as such, as I am an Arch Prince and their
incomes are of no relevance to me, however, what stands out is that the stories
these individuals tell about wealth and social inequality are lies, as we can
see that even if it was a job to collect the income margins of my small
business to boost the profits of large companies for which they worked because
they were keeping their jobs and Offices, it would still not have been a
problem or a danger to others even myself, if the business structure was sound.
The rest who claim that I dabbled into matters I did not have expertise for,
can be rest assured that I must have already withdrawn from any processes where
I did not have expertise and this is the reasons their gimmicks never stick to
me and I appear to get away with involvement where matters were beyond my
knowledge base – they however, especially at the Monarchy and Parliament, had a
problem that needed resolving as they still had difficulty making sense of what
I did to ensure that when society damaged public work I got it out of them and
when celebrity damaged public work, they got to fix it, we have seen them
suggest the things I did to express a sense of having lost my dignity due to
the fact I had lost my temper to their insults and abuses as a sign that I had
diminished but some would rather say that I tended to multitask.
The truth
of who I am is more a matter of an understanding that up to 70% of FTSE brokers
and Firms had gotten into a form of trust with me, small or large - an Asset
exchange system operates on being able to forecast the value of companies and
brokers, which value is derived from the amount of influence that their brands
and products had in the Households, so if they are in a form of trust with me,
small or large, it was common knowledge that I would have been aware of the
above described matters.
They do
eventually come on to suggest I had learned my place in male society, when it
was not busy stifling my Family life to collect American money fighting
communists and having babies on the Diplomatic influences of my Royal Estate,
like something that continued to make the most of its insanity on social media
with my finances and needs me to make sense of the possessions it acquires with
the American money that get to its stupid head by finding it a real job that
befits its gimmicks. I had learned my place in male society long before we met
for this nonsense where they are always the big boys taking my lunch box – it
has been 15 years since the University routine of not refraining from churning
my tummy while I shared study space with others, running off a sales gimmicks
on my social life, over sociological matters that emerged because I attended
University and the next thing I will do with their stupidities will ensure my
time was well spent thereof as well. I have otherwise given them the exit to stop
running it off at me during working hours and to stay away from my Books, it
would rather take the test of whether it can actually protect its famous idiots
from me, to a whole new stage, half well dress twat playing with my career
endlessly and nothing has really changed from the days when it had to choose
acquaintances for its female colleagues, to show up here making a deal with
local hoodlums over my social life because it wants to be the ones solving the
problems I was solving when I got involved with some female journalists, in
order to earn more than women. what it therefore needs is a result where the
locality of my residence was used to make a mess of my finances, build
communities that finger my bum and practice civil service narcissism on me as a
means of getting me into work if I am living on Government support, whilst
their neighbourhoods where they make the most of my finances will be the next
thing I will trash, so it became clear every insult, every gesture, every
comment on the stupid media which affected my finances, would escalate the
it is not clear whom they suppose is meant to take responsibility for the
abusive results of the ton of naked celebrity photographs taken to make
statements about my Office, social life and public
image, if they were complaining that their orifices were sore.
They claim
it was a mystery what wanted which is
never clear either – we all know everybody wanted to complete the academic
pursuits, settle the finances and get a social life; when I meet them there is
a self-introduction which suggests they pick their girlfriends to preserve
their genes, when I meet some female journalists, it will start a mini war,
once done trashing it all completely shows up here complaining about what it failed
to ask people about especially the Police, on what was a recurring theme in
instances where women got murdered. For my part, it seems that deliberately or
not, throwing my work to society trouble makers as part of an intellectual
property administration process, produces a result where their interest in me
led to an administration of a Bookshop in a manner which implies that society
insanity and the role of the famous in it were the most important things in the
world, whilst they splashed out naked pictures of their celebrities all over
it, literally to make me homosexual but successfully stifling my Bookshop by
the sheer stupidity. They do suggest this was largely due to the way I
underestimate how much people hated the British, but I underestimate nothing
here, we have seen the length of time taken to resolve and issue associated
with my Books being censored by local celebrities from overseas who claim they
were preserving their turf. We have now resolved it to such an extent that we
were reading the star signs – they claim I am the kindest and build communities
to finger my bum and I did their own as well, especially the Aries that cannot
thrive without the sex trade, the Capricorn and Cancers that are always seen
running around and so loutish and abusive, doing things with peoples lives to make money and those things they did were
so stupid, caused the victims so much distress and suffering, it tended to
suggest they were 100% deserving of physical violence, needs give me my space.
It eventually arrives at the point where it began to hurt other people on my
account, wrecking whole communities that involved themselves with my public
work, whilst the other gits who trashed the career and academic work, picked up
the career and product publicity to make a mess and play up money market
gimmicks, looked like they were in dire need of a clash with Royalty over
access to the Households and neighbourhoods at the market place. It needs to
stay away from my Book sales and therefore my finances now, as mentioned before,
it has been 15 years and they have all had a great time, my great time should
not be driven into a stage where I closed up all access to my torso which
allows them to churn my tummy and cause me the distant violence pain, in terms
of a necessity to do them harm as well. They do claim that they would squish me
if they should clash with me but I do mention they are simply a bunch of fools
that take advantage of any monies offered by a git that likes to spend money
fighting others, which will crash the economy at some time in the future, to
raise children whom they teach their sexual context abuses and are not
important enough to tell me what to do. What they are important enough to do is
what we are dealing with i.e. get hoodlums following me around to whisper ideas
about the way I ought to get into a fight behind my back, churn my tummy and
take it up to the point where my University degree was ruined and that is what
started it all as I had to account for the way the time was spent and caused
desperation of my own too. Nothing has changed from when we first came across
each other 19 years ago, still the same idiots who did not like themselves and
took to the fact I possessed a good career, thus controversial or mainstream,
friendly or enmity, they will establish a history with me to ensure their
famous fools can make me suffer anything bad that they experienced, whilst they
got to spend my concerns to mitigate the fact they did not like who they were,
considering their careers were always so closely linked to prison service work
and their German influence idiots were never too far behind, talking rubbish
about oppression – there has to be an alternative to drawing its stupid blood a
clash with me should be enough motivation to find such an alternative as it were
but for now, if it wishes to stop complaining, it needs to make comments about
its career, keep its hands to itself, its German influence fools need cease the
verbal abuses and its celebrities need to stop picking up my earnings. Now we
have a comprehensive criteria for squishing if a bunch
of idiots talked too much and could never back it up. The fear that I do not
control any of these is not real either, I control all of it.
They do
claim the cause of all my problems was the lack of respect for the male
population but it is the residual problem here; like when it takes a bunch of
idiots with no respect for peoples privacy to work in
the security services, then show up here liaised with private security industry
that worked against Police interests, to develop a crowd that took part in an
insult associated with my mouth, tummy and anus, gets a bunch of low lives on
it to make sense of the way I stood up to them after dropping out of University
as well, on account I stuffed their heads with what I knew to avoid exploring
ideologies I should not whilst writing Books. Like when it shows up here to
pick up society support during instances where I was facing a perverted
relationship with the broadcasting community, in which its famous twats
followed me about to pick up areas of my concerns that makes money and get
their criminals involved with my social life to ensure they got more when
needed, leaving me on social security and building up a civil service
narcissism over it, as though they were paid to start. The celebrities and
media gits themselves looking the part of me being oppressed as a matter of
some industrial servitude that they played a part in, for which I was being
attacked. Like when it stifles my Bookshop to suggest I wanted to control
people and after eliminating every means by which I can defend myself from ills
associated with a sense that the bulk of takings I got from the market came
from the male population, it then sets about the idea that I am a cult leader
whilst it had not obtained its own copy of my books first of all, then turns
out making a mess of other career prospects as its idiots invite themselves
into my concerns to pick up product and career publicity for the purpose of
fooling around and making money doing so, only to suggest it needed respect the
entire time; so I have no idea how they want me to do it. There is a sense that
making sure their children were past it for the damage done to my career would
get me into trouble and there is now evidence that such thing will not occur.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland