So it is
said that I complicate matters for everybody which I don’t – it’s a business of
people trashing my academic work and career; it takes up the process where they
are never seen doing anything else with their time, save build up ideas on how
my personality can be used to make people rich by paying people for being
popular and then drives it down their communities where their croons gained
access to my p[personality and show up for it all day long, hit my tummy over
every move I made which remotely denied them and then set about hitting their
tummy as well, they get into a fight and the people who suffer most for being
attacked them tackle me and I get right back to where the problem started and
it continues as a very vicious cycle, however it is what I do to sort out the
business of what is meant to happen when I am indoors, what is meant to happen
when I am outdoor is still to be decided. We hear them blow off that big mouth
all the time that what happens to me is a consequence of the way they hated war
but I always found a way to get them involved – so it is credible that they
hated war more than a Hermit who has gotten into a 12 year daily abuse with
them for writing Books which freed up people they thought they had the right to
dominate. The truth of course is that they cannot get through a second without
getting their hands on something that really belongs to somebody else and then
have to figure out the way that they wanted to live in a Country thereafter –
so if I said it years ago, I would jeopardise the way that interest in the
armed services gets them in a bad way all the time but now I am ready to go and
it needs to keep away from my Books and stop shooting off its big mouth on my
public image, this was the biggest problem here and I had given them this exit
a long time ago. They do say they want me to take some responsibility for it
and we all know there is none at this stage that I can take, save mentioning
it’s not clear what they want me to do when there is the real me and then
another me takes up the process where disrespect towards my person is at an
all-time high, wrecking the career and finances to a whole new level, where
they were able to adopt a safe distance from which they could push me into
criminal activity and this is the condition that the version of me built up on
media lived in, such that it does not really matter when he is being nice. They
always boast that nothing I say will change their behaviour and yes it will
not, save the part where I walked into the City to show I am not a woman by
beating them down with hardship to keep their stupidities off my professional
activities and I get this feeling every time that I wouldn’t be the first, so I
can only say that unless this behaviour is signed away during a work contract
so I might take it up with their employers, they had no excuse for it and their
insults were giving me a lot of ideas. Some people have said it’s tough telling
which is right and which is wrong but I am not necessarily the victim in the matter
either, only that it should be seen that this nonsense has been created from
the history they built themselves during a period of time that I lived on the
assumption that ignoring them solved a problem and this is not their own lives.
What then happens is that when I write and set out a Book from a Bookshop, they
built their own crowd, publicity and leadership that was interested in my Royal
Office because I had set out that Book, which added up to an understanding the
idiots were convinced that nothing will come of a process of building stupid
things they can insert into my life and career, besides which it made me cash
strapped and they were the only people to bully me because my finances were a
mess and are now the only people to complain about the way I have responded to
the finances problem. So, their disrespect for me is at an all-time high and if
their stupidities shoot off comments on my social life, I will be cash
strapped, which is not good for them either.
I am told
that this would be a good time to start sorting out this issue of Media and
Celebrities targeting me all the time but it is the same case about that war
they claim I start and then come up with tricks to win – the Germans say it,
the Japanese say it, the Americans say and the British say it but there has to
be a way that a handful of fools with media jobs did not get such stupidities
along with the way criminals expressed an interest in my concerns, showing up
where I have done the best work for my career instead of buzzing away at the
back ground, only to get around somewhere complaining and boasting about their
own capabilities due to the way I have responded. Same as claims we hear them
make that I write a Book which causes people to take the Law into their hands;
I could never make sense of it but we know that what they are worried about is
that at a certain age and social disposition, it becomes impossible to oppress
somebody financially, so it continues with those gimmicks about being more
important than I am on my Public image, will not give up the stupid publicity
of building my hermitage into a cookie jar they can handle to get imagination
around my private parts being morons who ought to continue with a behaviour as
we are not necessarily tired of punishing them as a society, and will not stop
stinging me with its stupid insults to get imagination around my private parts
– so where the being targeted by Celebrity bits is concerned, I had two
histories, one being a withdrawal of access to my concerns from my personal
gods, the other being the idea that criminals who buy show business products
while I spent time trying to rub shoulders with them were better human beings –
where the media and Politicians were concerned 8 years of living in a fantasy
world where I assumed ignoring them was a solution to a problem, has created 8
years of a sense of entitlement to handle me and oppress me financially
whenever it was impossible to do it. It now needs to keep a distance from my
concerns and its insults are about to get its stupidities into a lot of trouble
on my account as well. This shows up all the time; in the US they want the
government to get rid of guns, so that when they buy guns and go off to kill
people, it would be said that it was criminal activity from the point at which
they had bought the guns and that is all that would be said, every time it
wants to run off this nonsense, it will acknowledge what the country it lived
in looked like and set about upstaging me. At the stage where I no longer have
to go along with parents and I had a social disposition which meant I did not
have to go along with employers, it was over for the dream of oppressing me
financially, if human beings are this stupid and we are about to find out what
gives their idiocy the right to handle me all the time very soon indeed.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland