I  am told it was strange to the authorities that women did not like me, this is not actually the case, they did, they simply think that they had a bird in the hand and needed to vouch for more privileges, if I had planned my finances in wedlock and will not get it sorted outside of wedlock, therefore I will be out there constantly trying to find a partner and they could make the most of their workshy narcissism, the more people they encouraged to take part after they had is the more they will make the most of it. It is not really a crisis as we now had to deal with an incessant need to show up here clinging to Royal property to complain about men being weak, the insults channelled at me too likely to escalate their problems even further. It is a game that has never once paid off, only the part where they got to complain about state provided security appears to be the main activity these days with the Celebrities as centre piece as these had to attack me over ideas I am a wide eyed character that just hangs about looking for instances where people had done something to make them more privileged and important to curtail, after which they rip up my career to make money at the stock markets which behaviour had come to show that tackling the stock markets was not the problem although it was the main stage by which it was impossible for me to ensure the twats did not extract money from my estate every day, once done we find their famous stupidities perform a series of activities that suggested somebody acted as if they were not important and so they needed to share the money with the hoodlums and criminals in order to prevent social problems, which then places economic growth in the hands of extremists whilst they made industry from complaining about it – no idea what their problem is, I simply need to be rest assured that they were twisted, rotten to the core. What we know to be the consequences of their lifestyle and mentality being that of a bunch of gits who shared my privacy with hoodlums and criminals to get imagination into my panties for problem solving purposes, as these famous insults and gimmicks fed into Industry where the famous met up with another group of gits that had failed to set proper boundaries between themselves and the famous, who took up positions of leadership in other peoples companies, shows up here ripping and tearing my finances to put its stupid self in charge of my affairs as well like the Celebrities, telling me what to do. There is the problem however of the usual couture associated with Royal marriages – I am supposed to absorb public problems so the public may go free but it was such that it did not cause me suffering – so my wife would console me and I would console her for her role in marrying me etc, what these idiots have done adds up to a process of constantly complaining about what is really the consequences of their need to show up here building up and dashing hopes of me settling down in a bid to get rich, so we can clearly see why some people have had enough and they were complaining about state provided security which is now music to my ears as there was clearly anything that their famous stupidities could do about National and public security staff but it is the way that it breaks people’s hearts, especially security services who engage with those hopes associated with showing up here to handle me like an option, that I am single in my 40s which causes the need to take control of the matter and the way that those who were tied to the arrangement between my marriage and the public were caused a lot of suffering which ensured I needed to get the Celebrity sex work politics and famous persons insults under control and I think that current trajectories point towards a really bad outcome for it too. On the matter of taking control, I am actually beating off the women, contrary to the idea they did not like me and it is said that beggars had little choice if in my 40s I had not produced an Heir yet, but they are not interested in me, it is a gimmick of showing up here to drag me out beyond the society watermark which allowed their stupidities to see me without my clothes on that was the thing which interested them, I am to settle down with somebody that can understand the perspective that I am working public service on the basis security services were providing an environment for people to bring in goods and services which were left at the industrial parks to be distributed on the High streets, which allows us to ensure at least on the social front, that the education system was doing what it was built to accomplish. I do not think it is all lost at this point anyway, we have since entered into a world where the gits who put themselves in charge of others and waste peoples lives on their inability to set boundaries concerning celebrities and the Celebrities who ran their affairs by abusing other peoples boundaries, were getting imagination into my panties to encourage the Celebrities to engage with the markets but there is always a degree to which that activity was pursued which causes me a career setback and therefore created a problem associated with retribution for them – the Celebrities will continue to live in resentment of my existence, so that it may be possible for them to spend money on those that will attack me on their behalf, the corrupt industry that claimed they had kept my assets are obviously not talking about a subject that they understood properly, bearing in mind their companies were now being managed by gits who did not set clear boundaries with respect to Celebrities and had showed up here sharing my privacy with hoodlums and criminals to such an extent that the imagination getting into people’s panties had affected them as well, besides the fact that there were a lot of products manufactured by means of assets broker with me in the companies that they owned, so I suppose it is better for all if I kept my assets instead. It all needs to keep away from the Bookshop, failure to do so is building up to outcome whereby each time readers are affected at the Bookshop, they prepared for war as well whenever they attended to their jobs.

I mean it is the way they preferred the effort in ensuring I did not get married to a Communist that was of grave interest, and more so considering that although doing so operated against National interest, it would seem there was a need to set clear priorities at this point.

On the point of governmental failing which were getting worse and worse, we know that the Politicians were tinkering with the interests of various large ethnic minorities, they seem not to have learned at all, that at the back of these peoples minds in a fantasy in which they were a community of people who were bigger than you were, whilst little you had showed up where they had ganged up on you, to tell them what to do. It seems that it was my case where they nursed their dream about me and worked it up to the stage where the fulfilled it and were now complaining of everything, especially the twin business of now ending up in a position where I wanted them to do something I was determined to make the do it and the consequences of being mates with an Arch Prince, talking nonsense about his state provided security which makes his world smaller and continually attack his finances to create the risk of him needing it to run a Bookshop all together, that needed to be curtailed because it was so loved and I could not be used respectfully. It would then have been suggested that this prioritised the interests of white people, whilst we know that this causes the government to learn towards the favours that Politicians can do for the electorate and not the actual party manifesto upon which the government was launched and therefore the stage for which the next cluster of governmental legislation will be developed – naturally if you opened the borders to let them in they will be eternally indebted to you but is it the actual manifesto? On my so called failing on the other hand, there are none, I simply shop for my groceries and now am finding what had originally began as gimmicks performed by idiots who think they were real men and wanted to show they were evil people, has now since developed into a gimmick where they wanted my assets in the hands of communists whereby it could be spent on them, so it would naturally have developed into a two part story of the first time it ended up in the hands of the more powerful Americans with the Germans as junior partners and now the Communists as well, whilst it continues to complain, like the way it makes my world close in on me by performing activities that suggested I would need the state provided security to survive and exist, if I am living in a democracy. It is a recurring problem, same as when it is a simple matter of negotiations between those who have accessed wealth making structures and those who needed a bit more luck than that, being developed by twats who put themselves in charge of matters they knew nothing about, into a fight that suggests wealthy people stole their wealth, whilst we know it is a matter of luck, coming onto something which when sold made money, some perhaps had access to extra capital or acquired partners, built a sales army, provided a service for neighbourhoods and sent out the sales army to collect their money in return for the products, some people on the other hand were just grinded by the gears, hence it is usually a negotiation not Armageddon. Here it is suggested that I had never cleared my position with respect to Boris Johnson or indeed how the upper class wrecks the Country and tries keeping the money for themselves time after time; but there is nothing to say or do about it, I do not think he is the worst leader on the planet either, he simply thinks that those in positions of government should make the most of occasions where they were at the forefront of negotiating the big job creating and economic deals for the Country, we simply need to wait for some of the more perverse ideas to arrive at a point where they would hang about at the Parliament making sense of the person or sex lives of the wealthy, to begin the process of finding out how difficult and painful it is to get free from the cesspool government stigma. Rishi Sunak on the other hand was an example of people who come into a lot of money and had no idea how they did, simply copied others and come to the money which provided them with conviction that they needed to bully others on account that they had – so he invents the idea that the Government ought to make the wealthy comfortable and a plan ought to be devised as will ensure the poor were better behaved and thankful for what they got, which would never have worked, I mean it would have worked whilst the big business complained about the destruction of their company profit margins for a short while, during which time they would be best pals, after which hell would break lose. I have no idea why they enjoyed wrecking my work, whereby I would devise the best punishment for industrial and governmental perversions, they would wreck it because they loved it so much and then it had to be redone which was in itself perverse; so we see that on the matter of the upper class wrecking the Country and keeping the money, we know that it was best that the causalities were allowed to play out, likewise Celebrities who always interfered with those causalities because they considered themselves whatever it is they were in the first place of which they think I am clearly a fan, to be the people best placed to get into marital relationships with Royalty.

The extent to which the famous needed to cease fooling around here was one in which if it was the case that I am a war monger and the process by which these idiots expected law enforcement to do the job and end up in a situation where they had later joined the service for revenge, was the reasons I was being seen as the main point by which law enforcement attacked them by doing the day job, then at some stage it would have applied that one of those instances where I stepped outside to run some personal errands did interfere with their lives and caused them to commit crimes considering they were nice people and I was the cause of public problems according to the famous and in gathering evidence I would have ended up in a Law Court for it, otherwise the Police would not have worked beyond reproach in gathering evidence.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland