It is not true that I am struggling with the matter of Liberalist, its only an issue of very sick minded people who appear to be happy exclusively when other people are suffering. I am therefore held up around the scenario where they are happy because I am suffering and it has added up to a process of making money, which further makes worse this need to make out that being an Equity Broker means I have said something that permits the Public to deploy my person whenever they want to sell goods and services or get rich, especially that of their Wives who appear on the advertisement since their methods are a bit more personal and resolving them is time consuming.

It has always been that which is easily resolved by processes of securing a sustainable income that funds all one wants to do and where it applies to me, that was all possible through the chosen academic point of study which they ruined for me in 2008, since then of which I have had less tools for working this Estate and they have had to suffer as well because I have been busy deploying their lives and involvement with it to make things work. I intend to pick up a Part time study to have the matter concluded naturally but so have they also made it clear they will never let me study, in the same way I am of the opinion that being a CEO does not mean putting loosely dressed women on expensive property. I do not have a demeaning view of them, they just have a disproportionate view of their own importance or relevance, while they are only just Men with a dream and an eye for lifestyle at the Market place but we can all see therefore what they have done to me and continue to do and we can all see that they have no explanation for this behaviour as well, just as they believe they shall now decide what becomes of an Arch Prince by means of working for Public Transportation Companies.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland