They claim I have lost a huge amount of authority which I have not and if I felt I had, I would raze their world for it too. This is really a very small matter where their big brother characters picked me up where I felt relaxed because I rented the space from them and then picked up instances where I took my clothes off or even had an enema because I rented the space from them, to build communities that get imagination up my bum, by which I will forfeit my Public life to them – a very small thing that now affects how they organised the work environment to such an extent there is now one for them and one for everybody else and the one they had involved ripping up peoples careers and livelihoods with practical jokes, to get imagination up peoples bums in their premises as per when they speak of ownership only then does it matter – it affects their industry gits who had no talents whatsoever and build abusive communities that back them up as they got to the top Offices at Industry by running tribalism raids on others – affects Celebrities taking leave of the work market because they could make money from my Public image and I could go on. It has a such become annoying enough, not least due to the daily insults, for me to want to get around to the criminal popularity backyard and break it to pieces as well; I mean I could never tell the exact stage where they decided the most profitable things people could do at the market was to tackle me, I knew if they built it up on Media I would face a tough time but I could never make sense of any series of events that may have caused them to build it, showing up here to stifle my earnings telling lies, claiming I get imagination up their bums, so that a crowd got to support the interest they showed in my earnings with a stupid show business that is not longer making waves in the Public light. Hence, they have done mine and I will tolerate it up to the end of November 2021, beyond which they are about to start giving me some very useful options otherwise. The things people say about authority lost at the Monarchy was a matter of people building a safety net for me and if tends to work all the time, so I have to accept they knew what they were doing and to rely on it as I am expected to. They do claim this is all due to me being a coward which I could never make sense of as I don’t even have a boy scout training but I am faced with idiots that picked up my personal time to pass off as the means by which a crowd got imagination around my private parts, to make me fight for others, talking nonsense about what I deserved only when I had solved a problem where others were fighting my battles on other peoples business premises all the time, which adds to the two and a half year history of working private security Industry for a retail outlet; I do feel like killing the idiots all the time as well and they do complain about it, therefore I have to assume that it continued because they loved to complain. The rest of it is a matter of people making judgements on others while even the Law makers followed a process to decide how people were handled; it loved to punch but it knows I suppose that if the victim ends up in hospital, on a minimum wage, they are likely to give him his severance when he gets back because such jobs were so easily filled, so it loves the punching but not the paying of electricity bills – then there is the one where they hit the women as well and they love it but the problem was a matter of the women carrying out certain social activities, if too scared to, somebody had to build her back up and when she is ready to do it again, they were all over it and we could see what the problem was, thus people like this asking me the questions had a tendency to start discussing my star signs as usual, since I am likely to sell their own if I got my hands on it.

The story that I am a character concerning whom they may do with as they please without consequences, can only continue until I wanted them to do something so important with it, that they had to explore my civic duties to determine how public policy applies to me in order to abuse me with it and build a community to run me down doing so, at a time when I had a need to do the same with them as well, for the express purpose of actually getting to achieve the process of discovering what it is exactly that they were made of. The other dicks who ensured I was distracted from my career enough to pay attention to this nonsense are currently convinced that complaining about their manhood to Politicians and Media at my expense, will help to manage their current predicament whilst the insults persisted. They do claim it is what my Monarchic support does with and says to them but I need it to run the Office, save they were saying they had arrived at a stage where they were ready to face consequences associated with getting on my nerves stifling my career and finances with practical jokes and extracting money from it, to such an extent that I needed state provided security to keep a Bookshop. Here they claim their activities were a good means to an end no matter what I said and did, especially as it becomes clear that there was little I could do about Media narcissism but Media narcissism is only effective against an Arch Prince who had Royal publicity to play with, if there was some dirty physical contact involved, considering that they were complaining.

On the matter of the threats persisting because they were bigger than I am, I suppose one instance where I am being informed that I will likely get into trouble will set the stage whereby I decided how this ended in the 24 hours that will follow – I mean it does raise the point considering their stupidities was big enough to know, whether I am talking about getting into their homes, which I am not, only getting rid of the stupid immoral society gimmick they have traded their mobility for, to show up here churning my tummy and clinging to my career publicity and it will develop into a case of a clash between myself and the well off neighbourhoods all together. It does try to continue with the narcissism naturally, claiming I had turned my back on the security industry whereas my bottom hurts and none knows what kind of security their stupidities were doing, especially as I am not able to access my own work history because of them and could not tell where the causalities were coming from whilst their idiots trained people to fight like my Royal order endlessly all over the world whilst putting labels on me – it was a simple matter of a link between what I did to help people feel safer and a process where they made use of that history years down the line, at the point they did, it was a history that I myself could not take part in all together which then becomes a history that I could take part in later on; this was the society we lived in and the ways that fringe society solved it own problems too, it may lip flap at me again the narcissism of its stupid size, ruining my health, linking my finances to its insults and greed alongside the follow on abusive gimmicks, stifling my Bookshop to feed its conveniences. The part about the pseudo public security services having since grown into a moral that it was normal decent people getting killed over National security and those types where they rip up my assets to sex work politics fight some communists on all our behalf were very difficult to replace.

I am now said to have built up the whole bravery and cowardice issue into something important, but I have not, it simply does not bother me, I am not saying that it has not been built up into something important, simply saying I am not the person that had built it into something important. That was done by a bunch of idiots who enjoyed their gimmicks which were associated with a need to tell others that according to their birth date they had a natural right to dominate other people on account they were less likely to consider carefully the consequences of their actions before embarking on it, the way that those they had a natural right to dominate usually did, once done the stupidities that follows was to do with the fact they had a problem with the idea that those who have been accorded such accolade wanted to make use of it, show up here stifling my finances talking nonsense, especially the famous idiots and other peoples stupid children that got elected some time back, talking nonsense about how important they were and the fact that they were elected to be in charge, assumption being that when I do get my hands on the show business, I will hand it back to those who use it to run me down every day and when I do take some useful steps to ensure other people’s stupid children in government buildings stopped trashing my career, I will regret my actions at some stage and take out a job as a stripper. It is a problem that never goes away, at some stage the government decisions were being made on the basis of age and the age was the deadline by which people ought to get things done, Scorpios and Virgos were always late and political idiots were always keen to get from a process where they ought to defend themselves from those who oppressed them with money to a process where all the problems associated with the organised irresponsibility was solved at the expense of a Libra. It claims this was to do with the way their political insanity were in charge and that they told these lies especially on the perversion of secret security services to claim these irresponsible birth signs had been fighting communists on my behalf and I was not brave enough to keep my career and finances, because we Librans were really uncontrollable, the part that was easy and continues to be easy for their stupidities was to explore my civic duties, get the irresponsible birth signs to stand up for themselves the way I did, cling to my career publicity and built a whole community that was designed to handle the way public policy applied to me abusively, fingering my bum and fondling my penis – we know that understood when I get my hands on that stupid society they will see it for the last time but I suppose the famous and the political pricks have not searched for the trouble well enough and in the right places to search for it, a response from me at this stage which be the last we heard of it naturally.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland