It would appear that one of the main reasons it was the case that whilst these idiots had put together a society that attacked me over ideas that I am a low life that could do better, it was also not just as counterproductive as a media narcissism that had been built for anything I did, but also the business of claiming that with respect to the interests of western Governments I had no idea what loyalty really meant and it is these kinds of degrading insults, grinding what is already a slow turning wheels at my Bookshop that is the main reasons behind Politicians having to listen to the complains being made about me every day – since it was clear the real question here for instance was one of whether it was their famous idiots picking up my career publicity to serve an idiot in the American entertainment business who will not spend his money another way, then show up here ripping up my career in a bid to grab it as per after destroying it, the corrupt private security will be able to extract the recovery process from me and hand it to them and they will own my career, as part of a female narcissism gimmick where it was a case of being able to do anything that I did, better than I did it or perhaps the bottom feeder was actually the well off neighbourhoods all together. There is talk by the Politicians about frustrating situations which led to this and the war between the upper and middle classes of which we know they started: in the sense that after the government had since done everything in its power to ensure that in scenarios where no matter how well the government developed resource allocation processes, some people were still worse off, we found these idiots to be the reasons for most of the frustrations and problems, not least the National level campaign built from a need to control other people, premise for campaigns taking such forms as socialism meaning a fight with religious organisations over charitability activities and the rest of it which was to do with a right to conduct sexual context insults on other peoples bodies over business leadership and public investment spending, claiming others had not done well financially as they had and for everything they got up to, the authorities ought to listen first to their point of view as they considered themselves to be less of a threat to public interests. The whole business of being financially well off at my expense, the insults that they were able to provide for me and the retirement the way they currently want it as big boys that will never stop fingering my private parts and had since worked it into my bed room, so whilst complaining did not see the business of complaining about me as an incentive to stop is still on going, so I had no idea why it was assumed that National Media and Parliament ought to come to their aid whilst they were such a bunch of idiots who were in a perfectly reasonable position of mind to cease doing it.

I do not think it is a crisis as such, the question is simple enough although I think that both the Hollywood types and the well-off neighbourhoods were the bottom feeders causing the problems they were complaining about but when complaining as thought a response was paramount, they ought to answer the fucking question too. On the matter of conflict with the communists, we see the same pattern – it has been a 2 decade career mess for me because soldiers were commando style characters who clad themselves in weapons to go and save the entire world and it is stupidities like this which set the stage for them to say I have not been wrecking their own, so they were in such a position of success as the authorities ought to listen to their point of view first, whilst it continued to run off that stupid rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeper gimmicks fingering my bum and pinching my penis every move I make, the insults and the greed and the American friends talking nonsense as part of a vengeance in which people had died and it was my fault. So, their point would be that they were fighting communists on my behalf which is not feasible and I should never have ended up on social security for save the physical contact that has now accompanied their insults and greed showing up here everyday whilst seeking privileges of injustice from Politicians. Here it is said that when it comes to threats associated with wealth and social inequality, I am something they ought to be worried about of which I could never tell anyway, since they believed I am their toy and it is about to end as badly as a process where I progressed from warning them that I had stopped sorting the problem on their terms, to get my hands on the stupid society which I will ensure they saw for the last time, cut the celebrity culture to pieces and finish off with the way they had spent their professional time on me, such that it will end up in my control fully and I will make it the stage by which I got to teach them a lesson they will never forget too. It has been two decades for it for justification, the financial ruin that was brought about by imagination fingering my bum and punching my penis for amusement is six years long, started since 2016 at the end of a job at the private security industry where I appeared not to be interested in working an industry where the thief stole from the thief and they preferred that to actual security work because of what and who they were – stalling a Bookshop to make stupid statements about how with respect to communist threats I had no clue what loyalty meant, to which effect its stupidities had been reading my Birth sign to show up near my personal space and run me down over what they were told every day with a big mouth. Now clear which was the real bottom feeder, this was the question – the twats that showed up to sell my career in Hollywood USA, or the scum that assisted me because they were, we know however that when Politicians had raised the point that I did not actually lose the fight, which makes reference to the way I stepped back because they were a threat to everybody if they did not have any money, to which effect the fucking idiots now have money and will not keep away from my Bookshop after winning the fight so, about which the cost was that I ended up in a situation where I was a threat if I had no money and they had to keep up appearances considering they were narcissistic idiots, to keep the money; so I am aware I did not lose the fight, not even the part where people died because the blacks always surrounded me with so much insults that suggested I dealt with civil rights problems by shaming myself which performing all sorts of filthy nonsense at me to churn my tummy and cling to my public image, which abuses and insults they claimed was the look of their civil rights, so every clients had to work with me under the stupid cloud, such that if the new client was more important or wealthier than the previous, I must have become a character that had made personal and career progress since their stupid civil rights had taken that form and will become the norm as soon as they resolved the other part where people had died because of it – then there was the whites who did the killing, to show up here from the stupid well off neighbourhoods as the big brothers who complained about my response to their stupidities fingering my bum and punching my penis, therefore since they were big enough will not stop but now needed assistance from National Media and Parliament to make their stupidities work, so I did not lose the fight, the question is one of which was the bottom feeder that had not exactly made sense of the point that it was the teachers at school getting to assist them with the fact that on one hand was the prison service and the other was the career the wanted, about which I was the one paying the fucking price? Here it is said that it simply makes them worse because they were after me which is exactly the point: I am writing this because the Politicians say they understand my position but were unable to take control because it was not clear the exact ways and reasons that I posed a threat to them.

Squarely on the matter of what loyalty meant however, we know that the allies were doing more to assist the Americans with their so called job as the worlds super power than the Americans who were more interested in showing that they were underappreciated because the allies thought they were of the same size as the USA, Russia or China etc, so the response on my part as such makes sense in the context that I deserved more insults from the media hugging twats as it does tend to show they were a bunch of famous idiots but then I did warn them that I have stopped handling the matter on their terms, so there was a reason at this stage for it all to end very badly indeed. Worse case that nonsense where it either travels overseas to bring another group of idiots who want to control people into the Country to blame me for what other people got up to or the case where it keeps attacking me on the basis of so called statements that people born under the same birth sign as me made, it will become a Libra versus all the other birth signs situation and I will be happy to ensure I made a name for myself wrecking the stupid show business permanently, convert that stupid involvement with my affairs into a gimmick where the methods that I deployed to control their narcissism wrecks everything around here to cling to my income and keep up appearances on Media, into a reason they had to complain about wealth and social inequality for another 100 years. I am obviously being bullied because this nonsense got serious, it did as per I am classified the same as the low lives that allied themselves to the immoral society gimmicks but were unable to conduct the same narcissism as they did, showing up to get involved with my personal space because of them, on account my finances were a mess because they showed up here to share the ways that I control these matters and turned out on media being the people who got paid to make the same sort of trouble, about which they targeted me every day as their idiots progressed from security services incompetence to security services corruption, showing up here to rip and tear when they were not claiming I am too much of a coward to keep my career, if not boasting that I could only try talking them off this nonsense, the money making gimmicks converting what I did to ensure I could concentrate on my affairs, which was shared and sold-out by the famous idiots being handled as source idea for all sorts of nonsense; feels as if I had absorbed poison by the cup-full that whilst I tried to get this stupid narcissism under control, the other bottom feeders were goading me over it and stifling my personal relationships to do so, complaining that people had died whilst their stupidities developed it into a pseudo security that trashed careers to get rich fast at the entertainment industry, leaving seasoned and disciplined staff complaining about mental illness – the Bookshop wheels are turning, they were slow at this point due to American international corruption that led from the front talking nonsense all over social media, leading the public to think there were other ways to resolve financial matters apart from the work market and then punishing whole populations for the results thereafter, at the same time their stupidities left me unable to work a public Office but they are turning and perhaps it is good for their stupidities to know and stay away from it as well, if the complaints are to be taken seriously. I am not really as different as they have gotten people to think and ripped up my career to make people think, we know the Celebrities were afraid of their usual good friend paparazzi and show business fanatics who helped them make money but demanded a steep price for it, so the reasons they ran me down and goaded me over public control matters so I lost control and they sold my career in Hollywood is largely only a surprise to those who do not know how the minds of narcissists actually worked, especially as the evidence was obviously one in which they enjoyed ripping up my career in hopes that somebody would steal it for them at the same time, assuming there will be much of it left thereafter but either way it now needs to stop handling me or continue to get its idiots talking nonsense at me about ways I could do nothing about it, whereas the problem began at the end of my privacy security industry job, the whole time at the job spent on gimmicks that would build society that fingered my bum to solve problems whilst I spent theirs on gimmicks that allowed me access to their privacy, outcome has been created by the British pricks that then set about ripping up the access to their privacy bits, to build communities that fingered my bum by sharing mine with hoodlums and criminals for the purpose of rogue landlords, corrupt private security, abusive shop keepers and famous idiots running off all sorts of nonsense at will, it is saying at this stage that although its big boy British stupidities was complaining about me, there was no incentive to stop at present, so when claim I can only look on, I suppose I would like to remind them it was always possible for me to return to the end of the private security job and make use of my own work history or they could continue to assume that I will not get away with it. On the point that I am disproportionately annoyed, these narcissistic idiots, especially the famous were not spending their own time on this nonsense and were therefore keeping their incomes to make themselves bullies by, then there is also the fact that they have always known that their industry was not mainstream industry, so I cannot be blamed for seeking responses such that I would require them to resign from the fame job since they needed to keep both a history of access to me and a history of attacking me as a method of any two arising situations that they might want to work show business work and I therefore have recognised they had become a public menace whilst I knew more about the job, so refusing to resign would become a big problem but overall it is still the same career, personal life and financial damage, associated with some stupid people having failed to make appropriate plans for their personal and social boundaries, picked up my career publicity and put themselves in charge, so I could never tell where the causalities were coming from, then on knowing I was engaged with mainstream industry whilst they were doing show business where people were less accountable, bashed my Bookshop for effect - it could be that their stupidities wanted me to get the well off neighbourhood gimmicks, the criminals, rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeper insanity under control but this had been the most abusive and insolent way to say that it was duty associated with my Office, ripping up my finances and being the same fools that were working me for Homelessness.