Finally we find that these gits had devised a way to claim that I encouraged infidelity in marriage of which I could never explain since they were the people who were always taking an interest in getting around with women that took a liking to me and therefore had set the foundations for it themselves but whilst it was the case that what they were feeling is that on complaining about my response to a process where my privacy was shared with hoodlums and criminals to build communities that fingered my bum, my actions were not enough of an incentive for their insults to end, so they were now suggesting especially on the part of their stupid women who take up a part in the matter as well, since this was their part of society all together last we checked, that they needed stable relationships at my expense. I intend to allow it grow, to allow them built it up to a point and then I will take out the trash for them because of it, reading the birth signs whilst making others into victims and issuing threats daily.

They do claim I hated the male population on this basis which is utter nonsense as what we know to be true is that the regular conversation about the ways that I have been beaten and it was a relief for example, is built upon a premise that the history was one in which they have expressed practical jokes over my finances to make a mess of it and keep their own lest we ever engaged with each other as equals, then set about an involvement with my person about which there were only two parameters and one was abuse in order to squeeze it for what it is worth and the other was from the platform that they knew how to harm me and would ensure they did it to get whatever they wanted, the outcome being that whilst everybody did not ever believe such a thing existence, I was caught up taking years to respond to a stupidities that suggested that making sense of the way a person does not get to ask their parents how bills were paid on their 18 birthday, fundamentally involved building a community to finger other peoples bottoms as soon as they had shared the privacy of the victims with hoodlums and criminals which another group of idiots that were not paid to had built them a narcissism media presence for. Then there was also the fact I had a history of assisting a couple of women, so I am a woman now and they had entered into a position to ask the stupid questions about loving them less than I did the female population, talking nonsense on Media, when they were not rather engaged with gimmicks whereby nobody accepted credit for the accolade of having me beaten a relief.

It is the same as they claimed that I was so weak it was pathetic when they were not suggesting I underestimated them – the latter being a matter of the fact they were a bunch of useless well dressed hoodlums, who have picked up my Royal publicity for gimmicks I had not permitted and because those who have parted with money over something they were doing had seen it as a sign they were working with something that people should be a part of and encourage others to join in, they had come across some money they cannot account for, with time on their hands for other activities, one of the most important being a need to get on my nerves, as a bunch of famous idiots. The former being a  matter of a situation they had created where I probably have lost sight of what I am supposed to do if faced with a dangerous situation because they had a need to cling to my income and show the markets that they were braver in deserving it than I am, whilst complaining about the racists and other extremists themselves – such that it was impossible to see how persecuting me for decades like that to ensure Government business was so fussy it was impossible to make policy for a situation where extremists whilst living on the other side of the Law, were encouraging people to break the Law at the same time that they were not, which was not a Legal but Policy matter, was going to solve the problem simply because their incredibly important stupidities had complained about it – we know it offers nothing in the form of a solution but instead the business of making my Bookshop impossible for Clients to engage in by taunting me whilst the low lives with nothing to lose who got involved with my personal space because of their insults got to do the actual job and beating me down for them if they had shared my privacy with hoodlums and criminals to build communities that got imagination into my panties. It claims that it taunts me about the money because its stupidities was more successful than I am and need to lay off the Royal Finances if complaining that due to the fact the world was split between politicians, royalty and terrorists, people have been dying all around its stupidities for it or could try the continued gimmick of screwing with me to find out what my next response from the bits they were complaining about would likely be, especially for the German influence idiots who were now having revenge for the stress at local level and diplomacy corruption revenge on international level because the need to show up here and split my personality into the one on the left and the one on the right whilst I was hollow in the middle for the bum fingering and privacy abuses nonsense that allowed them do whatever they liked with my career may kick off in earnest, this time around here I am set to decide how the stupid opinionated ageism showed up on my career publicity if at all it did, and do so painfully. They are not more successful than I am, the stupid perspective have not changed since school, whereby some of us get it before our sats exams and others get it after our sats exams, that there was a world beyond the classroom which used what we did in the class room to determine what the rest of our lives became, it had always nursed, built and developed a sense that others were meant to get into a fight with people to make its stupidities comfortable or lose everything to its stupidities because it got to do it for itself – the other pricks who lived in the slums whilst they lived in plush neighbourhoods with this nonsense at this point now want me to take responsibility, if they were apparently done being trolls near my Bookshop. On the point that women disliked me however, we know it is an old story about these goons living on narcissism like it was their bread and butter, I became concerned that I was similar to the sociopaths and psychopaths, since the first position I took on losing my temper was a sense that it took a degree of brutality to hurt other people, from the point of view that I was always having to put up with insults from the women on account the husbands and boyfriends had special rooms they could not attend except when permitted, apparently which I am not similar to sociopaths and psychopaths at all but just clever enough for it and will end up having a huge amount of fun at their expense to ensure the stupidities ceased picking up my career publicity and income margins for other purposes.

This marks one of the many last instances where I get to handle the matter on their terms; which is that I am too cowardly to deserve my income and career, I need to get it done on my terms which is that they cannot conduct their affairs without causing me career setback, set to attack the Media, Celebrity culture and the Stock Markets, the stock markets especially as it is the means by which no matter what I had said, these idiots were able to extract money from my career publicity as long as they possessed a start up capital, no matter what; need to sell and buy their life's supplies another way. They do make the excuses that a certain allure of my ability to handle these matters encourages more of a need to make a mess of my career but naturally it does because the version of me that they created provides them with the allure - the real me had to calculate that the cause of my career problems were government office idiots who loved to create me setbacks because they were unable to handle Celebrity gimmicks but wanted to get corrupt enough to share the wealth, of which we only find out the real cost of what they were doing during economic crashes - the second were a group of idiots that were paid by nobody to supply quasi criminals with a National media level presence by which to progress an existing narcissism of insulting me behind my back and telling me what to do from street corners because they were clinging to my career publicity for dear life for all the wrong reasons that society could imagine, these three groups of idiots have been paying for social security to a point where they had to investigate me for fraud as if their stupidities would have employed somebody in my condition, regardless of which I have been finding job, simply not enough and not enough of time spent in any job to get off the social security all together and it is now about to stop badly as I am motivated enough to ensure that for each time I had to deal with them closing the distance between home and work and then back again by passing insults at me and progressing that stupid environment that builds up to a point where they can see me without my clothes on whilst I stumbled into groups of useless people that they had shared my career publicity with, every time I stepped outside of my door, they ought to prepare for war at the work place over it. It does make excuses for itself over claims that I thought my position at the Monarchy was a given and theirs was one in which they needed to stop me from being Royalty if they could - seems that the way it was a prerogative for everything with a penis to show up here, pass enough insults at me to make my world smaller and make both myself and my whole world into a mechanical contraption from which their stupidities could get results they calculated for and vent their impatience in life on, has produced results, from my point of view, we are about to settle this nonsense on the basis that the Bookshop was so disturbed the Clients could not engage and they were keeping their jobs in turn.

I am told then that I believed I will get away with what I have done at the Monarchy which is utter nonsense as I have done nothing at the Monarchy – I did warn them before, during and after the King’s coronation, the gimmicks that picks up from the neighbourhoods where it helps control people by causing diarrhoea, progresses from there to a mess it makes at the Monarchy after it must have gone off screwing around with security services, where it wants to become and Arch Prince or make such a mess that the real one will be required for forfeit, finishes off becoming the mind of the King and running me down with public transport every day. On the point they did what they did because they wanted to put a stop to the idea that I was some Royalty, it is an old story where it will never mind its narcissistic business and progresses from showing up here to make a mess for me as per it was convinced everything about my public image ought to be done and spent in a day besides which its famous stupidities could handle it for any purpose as well, to progress to the insults associated with the way that its unusual interest in my affairs had finally made sense after years of ripping and tearing my career to get people listening to its gimmicks – but it changes nothing about the fact what they were saying is that I was facing an existential threat on account they had gambled their mobility with immoral society, got gimmicks in return for it and showed up here to tell me how to exist in order to feel comfortable with having built themselves a life they did not want anymore and I am rather certain they have not got the fucking guts for it no matter how famous and will continue to get on their nerves well enough to ensure they spent the money paying people that will get me in order on their behalf, so that other people may keep jobs as well, their threats may in their interest probably size the opportunity to convert to a prayer that we did not meet over it. On the point that I thought I am an important person whilst I am a nobody; I am really a hermit and they ought to refrain from making a mess of my public work especially if I too am complaining about living on social security, saddled with a 2 decade career mess, progressed from somebody who was being bullied for being too serious to somebody who was bullied because he was a bum and their gimmicks it seemed will not end until it really did; time and again I did the Hermit work where people might despair their moral, religious or even social situation, only for a prat to come with ideas on how to link body fluids with money making, no matter how many riots the neighbourhood had suffered because of it, and somebody will show up to ensure I ended up with nothing by hanging about a narcissism its stupidities was not paid to perform at broadcasting networks, allowing opinionated ageist pricks to run rings around my career publicity, then take revenge because I stuffed them with information on the career to carry about like PR I did not have to fund, talking nonsense at me about well-off neighbourhoods where people I ought to be afraid of lived. The part that gets to me the most concerned a cross section involving the community croons who were first ugly women but then systematically got accustomed to a wickedness that they never stopped practicing, the obsession being about my personality, the men think I am a character they could step on without consequences and were complaining about the moral of the story, the famous idiots had already come up with an explanation for abusive activities channelled at me which made sense enough for hell to break lose at my expense but these croons were busy with one thing only and that was concerning my personality ending up in a terribly violent situation, with specific results that they got satisfaction from it and it then wants that stupid satisfaction every moment, a story of the idea that illiterates behaved in this way and we are aware that illiterates do not have the fortitude of thought process to levy abuses on other people so consistently for such lengths of time each day, hence the question of why educated scum do it, whilst another group of fools from the well off neighbourhoods shared my privacy with hoodlums and criminals to build communities that fingered my bum, used it to hurt me all the time in order to get what they want and shoot off that big mouth any opportunity they got as my responses were not yet an incentive for their stupidities to shut it down, claiming their famous fools were the bees knees – each time this nonsense I get under control so well that I was being given some small parliamentary privileges got the better of me, it was due to a famous idiot working my Bookshop income margins and career publicity without my permission to make money no matter what their stupidities already owned.

Here they say that it was becoming clear how bad the Kings leadership was at present but I don’t know, perhaps there is some great magic that his Majesty will dole out to rectify the situation later but it is not up to me: what I do know is that they claim I am really worried about Celebrities controlling the system which I am not as according to them the system was used to punish people but it punishes people for wrong doing and that depended on what wrong doing was, including the results that were achieved by means of the punishment, so it does not bother me in anyway that the famous controlled anything, it really loves to make a mess of my career and claim that since they had support from the King, they could handle me as they pleased which would only occur in their dreams but they do not think this was likely to be the case, hence it is all getting increasingly serious. I mean somebody must have been aware of how badly a person would smell if he came up with a plan to push gits that cannot allow others concentrate on anything into a difficult corner, to leave their responses to the law whenever it took an interest in them, to popular culture which allowed others to attend school and pursue careers healthily for a change and I was systematically run down by those who made money from the process and loved to channel insults at me, to such an extent they were paying such persons to become more important than I am and do the same things to me – it would have been better if I had not done the work in the first place obviously, so I accept full responsibility and we need to progress to a result in which each time their famous stupidities affected my clients they prepared for war when they were at work too. The same smell problem goes for instances where I had to pursue people performing all sorts of nonsense at my expense whilst none took responsibility, only to have my bookshop stifled by famous idiots who were goading me over public control.

We are not doing this because I believed I was an important person whilst I am really not: we are doing it because I had ended up with a two decade career mess, they were still having fun at my expense and I got up their heads. On the point that I am really an important person, I am actually talking about their point of view and not the fact that I had been given access to some Crown interests and had to work those interests as it would be required often, the other part of the story being that I probably wanted to be part of the Royal Family or a prestigious Order and when I did not meet criteria, started a mini war- feeds into their reality in which they suggested that a Fatah was issued over me which is utter nonsense as it would have been a Fatah that worked for a bunch of gits who would do anything for money, that showed up here to discover that Christianity invented the word infidel, we know what it means working with Celebrities and I needed to be allowed to concentrate on what I am doing.