I am now told that I am a sweet talker who had found a way to make people think my activities were acceptable and it had nothing to do with sweet talking, their civil rights have always been about passing insults at me, regardless of the instances where the gimmicks had taken a turn and gotten serious enough for people to lose their lives, when this happens again, I will make a point of getting away with it this time, unlike the previous whereby I thought it was a matter of circumstance that I did. My career now operates in an environment where previous clients working with me under a hail of insults from them are not as important as recent clients, whilst their stupidities had found a way to claim I am complicit with racism and police brutality was my fault, to such an extent they had come through at the other end and were getting involved with my clients to extract money from my career. Nothing to do with sweet talking and the insults may continue if they believed that my actions so far had not been enough to deter. They were famous and important, they were handling my public life to be even more important, stifling my finances to look like they possessed skills that helped them detach the good from other peoples lives whilst building publicity for the bad, and that their famous stupidities had arrived at a point where the explanation for this unusual interest in my person had gotten through to the public and made sense.

On the point that it was never explicitly clear what I wanted, we all know their famous idiots were already famous and that this was the stage upon which they clung to my Royal public image for their gimmicks, it needs to refrain from doing so or we will enter into a result where they made a mistake that handed control of the stupid show business to me, so I may prevent all the gimmicks that allows their idiots to see me without my clothes on by destroying it completely. The details are that when I write Books, they saw the preview and progressed the idea that they ought to escalate the problems I had resolved to create the Books as a method of distracting me from what they were doing to make my career their own, when I did public work, the same principle applied and I am left in a position where the wrong doers put the labels on and called me a wise arse, so the stupidities will not stop until they really did, especially for the German influence idiots that I ought to be afraid of: I mean I can always replace them with the Chinese where my interests were concerned but it wants something far more serious than the first time they got a response off me which led to the creation of new types of civil rights. At this point it would appear that they will not stop until they really did and they needed the Government and National Media to handle somebody whose nerves they got on every day. On the matter of the German influence gits being a big threat, it could always big threat all it wants, save the part where it will think its plan was the best and we ended up going back to the late teens when its stupidities needed to get into a fight with me to build a history I could not get rid of, on account it dreamt of handling my personality to do popular culture, looking like refined antisemitism, the other story where they claim I said things that provoked them inconsolably which I had never said my entire life, would be the one where the lies and accusation suggested my very sole provoked their stupidities, needs keep the mouth shut if complaining and show up here only for Book reading. Explicitly, they have constituted a 9-year career mess for me since last they got support from the authorities to suggest I am the person doing the wrong things and needed to desist, need to stay away from my Public life and keep their comments restricted to their careers. They do complain this was all together a matter of the way that my royal order was being used to hurt other people, at the same time that we know that majority of my career mess was created by a need to get up on public media and label me a coward that did not deserve to keep a career – then there was their American friends who were my masters making sense of the way they were such a stupid bunch of people who only understood violence, deciding that since they had such an expansionist governmental point of view but did not want the rest of the world to share their civilisation, if their allies were not fighting their enemies like the British, they would let me have my career once their stupidities were done with what they wanted to do with it – Israelis were currently becoming increasingly monstrous and when the communists did not want to join in handling my career to fight people they were blackmailed with military losses – my point of view still being their famous idiots need crease running off the gimmicks and need to goad me over public control handling the public image or they were now at risk of making such a mistake as granted me access and control of the stupid show business that was the yardstick for it – I mean if I said it was the society wrong doers, we know that the same way we could not explain why everything that meant extremist knew if they spent too much time on me, they would leave bits of themselves for me to peddle for money as well which is really going to hurt was being tackled by the famous would apply in terms of the society wrong doers who already knew that an interest in my person to make money abusively only exposes their society for me to handle in the same way, so we know this was never the problem that needed solving at this point.

There is the other point raised about how we ended up in this situation where I had stopped handling these matters on their terms and they were now at risk of making a mistake that handed me control of the show business but we have really ended up nowhere, just a bunch of gits who think their social position was incredibly high whilst it is actually rather low, they believed they were some sort of quasi royalty but were actually expensively dressed hoodlums, the problem being their need to put themselves in charge of matters they knew nothing about, then build publicity for it and torture those who knew what to do with and on those matters for gratification. They complain about this behaviour being a product of an existing problem, which problem is mostly that I for example do not respond to public matters the way that they did but the abusive pressure was so much that I had to, even if I knew it was incredibly stupid to, stalling my career and career publicity which will already have been stalled by doing so – there are the other people who had faced probably tougher consequences and decided if their security service work was again affected by the fame, there will be issues i.e. the part they complained about endlessly, the part responsible for a need to stifle my finances running off all sorts of nonsense on Media and labelling me a coward that did not deserve to keep the career and income on account they considered themselves to be incredibly important – my responses at this stage was to ensure each time their gimmicks took up my time, I got to take up their time as well and each time it took up my career publicity I took up their own as well, hence this outcome where they were once again incredibly important, having revenge for the stress and talking nonsense about ways I would do what they wanted like it or not, it never stops naturally until it really does and the German influence idiots who made so much sense of the ways that teacher at school treated some poorly performing students, which I rather thought was unfair at the time, were making the most of their position as would be physical threats should an occasion arise where they progressed from an unusual interest in my person that caused me decades of career mess to a direct threat considering poofs shoot off their big mouth on Media endlessly with the support that they reciprocated towards every prick that thought crime was a career option. It does boast that this had bent me to their will and ensured I was more inclined to get involved with the immoral society which only offered the prospects whereby in my 40s I was interested in a bunch of idiots the premise of whose social activities was a suggestion that others ought to lose something important, progressing to a process where they were always seen trying to get rich from what was an activity that actual law enforcement had deterred them from pursuing especially as it made a mess of other peoples affairs, builds up to the abusive gimmicks that encourage their famous idiots to trade mobility in with them and show up to cling to my public image and finish off with media insults that clung to my income margins and career publicity handled by the famous idiots who had somehow become rather convinced that there was a way that I looked to them as idols.

This is week 2 into a 20-year career mess ending with me setting out a premise that I had stopped handling their abuse of my person and finances on their terms – the idiots were already at risk of making a mistake which granted me control of the show business to do with as I wanted and I am certain it will provoke me to a point where I ended up with another reputation, considering the way it continues to gather information about me from criminals, build it up to something important on media, half of their stupidities sold it to the king and the other hand hangs about somewhere ripping up my career publicity and finances to ensure that I had to eliminate the reputation for being a coward by getting into a fight with other people. I am told that I had a certain appeal which was dangerous as per people hated me but could not leave me alone, then again it is a normal result from a process where all that expense and effort put into making me was being interpreted as a tool by which to please people who wanted to spend money on others, in order for the recipients to guarantee that they will certainly get the money or indeed various other things including sex and sex work, so it seemed that with a Media narcissism, what they said was the nature of my social life and public image was precisely what it was, save the part where their stupidities were complaining, seeking revenge for the stress that was due to a lack of response on my part, considering they thought themselves to be incredibly important people. It feeds into the other state of affairs where they claimed that the reality could easily be that I am sick and broken, which I am not – the part where the famous idiots in these had gone from a sense that I ought to consider the unnecessary way they have wrecked my career and finances for gimmicks that they made up reasons to justify as they went along, a reason to treat them with a sense that I expected the unexpected and handled their career the same way, to something of working with local authorities to make my homeless because I am trying to recover my career which their famous stupidities thought I had lost to them as they trashed everything else around here too – it builds this result where I am now in a position where I can see their mental illness, reach out, touch it and soil myself with it – the local authority twats will not stop naturally and seemingly do not plan to stop it well obviously, they have an excuse to check me up for social security fraud the same way their male society gits did have the original excuse that they could not tell if my Books were an affront to the male stupid population, for which reasons they hounded it and finished off with a media narcissism, stalling my career over 16 years. They were apparently getting philosophical about it these days, the insults and greed have now moved onto a gimmick of spending everything I did on themselves with a narcissism media, getting on my nerves. I have given them an exit to fool around elsewhere naturally but it continues everyday, looking for some of mine.