Clearing up the point that I am really a coward who always came up with ideas about which other people suffered and died, I could never make sense of their position as such, since it was rather clear that that their involvement with my affairs was entirely voluntary. I do not know however the main problem to be that the idiots were addicted to my royal personality that felt good to handle and the poor results emerged due to the fact that they were never nice to others in their stupid lives, so I have ended up with the brunt of it; before then we know that the main reason for its abusive activities in my direction were developed on the basis that they were incredibly important people, so we can clearly see how these matters persisted because it is assumed that I can be relied upon not to do harm to famous idiots.

On the matter of the so called issues I stirred up which cost them their lives, we know they were a bunch of idiots who were unable to make real decisions about personal discipline and boundaries, taking over other peoples lives to say that as they messed with others and got messed with, the people who were able to actualise this personal discipline issue possessed the cost that would ensure they continued to enjoy a life where they made a mess of other peoples entire existence on the basis their stupidities were famous. We have since ended up with a situation in which the famous punished me everyday for writing a Book which was a product of intellectual property administration work on account they got involved with it and since it felt good to get involved with, there was no respectful manner in which my person and my affairs could be handled – the society idiots on the other hand liked to run off the claim I am a coward because it was part of an abusive process by which they clung to my career and income margins whilst building communities that worked public place insults at me that would have been better suited to a psychotic schizophrenic, on account that this was the stage that their abusive society was at its strongest, does it and continues to meet up to develop it without regard for my feelings towards the stupid society meetings. At which stage the point would be raised that the claim of cowardice was due to the fact I let it run and I don’t as they do understand that when I get my hands on the Celebrity popularity and the stupid society, it will be the last time that those who owned and used it got to it, the problem we faced was these insults about my cowardice that a bunch of poofs had devised and they were the idiots responsible for the problem.

Their excuse has always been that I am an incredibly annoying character which is utter nonsense as I had completed a Book in 2011, now writing this in 2024 because a bunch of famous idiots decided handling the Books felt so good that the idea the Books were meant to cover their backsides, needed to be developed as publicity that replaced public engagement with the Bookshop, whilst as mentioned above the society idiots regularly met to develop an abusive way to handle my Royal personality for feeling good purposes, that also involved selling it, using it to feel good and using it as deal sweeter for any fool that will not spend their money differently – then there was my party piece that after years of these abuses and the government office idiots that got along with it, there was a version of me that got along with everything criminal, hoodlums and localised terrorists had in mind because the fucking idiots decided they felt annoyed – the insults do show they were a bunch of famous idiots as we can see and it is all set to continue until it stopped the way that I would have preferred as a matter of selfishness. I do not think it is a crisis, only a bunch of idiots who on failing to do a thing tended to put themselves in charge of the affairs of those who knew how to do it and spend a lot of time torturing the victims for amusement, eventually builds up to crashing my finances over the fact the famous idiots had businesses where they did not respect other peoples boundaries, whilst another group of idiots who had the same problem took up top jobs in large companies and claimed what I did for a living was causing them to take risks with personal safety and well being in order to protect me, looking like scum that absolutely deserved what was coming to them. It even arrives at a stage where it loses sight of the 13-year question about which I am currently living on social security, concerning whether my Bookshop belonged to men this stupid or it belonged to me, talking nonsense at me on Media everyday – this is the thing that I needed to put a stop to i.e. the access to my royal person. They speak of some woman whose royal affairs concerned their hoodlums, criminals and localised terrorism gimmicks and ways she supported me and we ought to get married; it is really not as amusing as they think it is considering such a marriage was workable, if it turned out the position of the famous idiots was to suggest that when she fancied the way I organised my affairs, they ought to wreck it claiming it should have been an accolade for a bigger stronger person that was willing to get into a fight on their behalf, then deploy their private security pricks to run around my private life developing trouble they apparently do not wish to find, with insults, greed and physical contact, on account they were famous idiots and did not eat at home like most people did, following on which the other idiots with no workable boundaries concerning their famous stupidities had taken up leadership of large businesses, such that what they thought of people who held Royal positions, meant that we had to respond, it would be a marriage that their stupidities will fall in love with naturally.

On the point that I am owing rent to some Robert Mason which causes all these; we all know it was a case of stupid Robert owning an abusive flat that he uses to share peoples privacy with hoodlums and criminals, build communities to finger bottoms and that I am owing rent because Universal Credit had failed to come through 4 times in the 8 years I had lived in his abusive flat where it was impossible to keep a job.

Recent development is that I had gone into the work place to bury my head on seeing their stupidities had made a mess of the Bookshop, which the famous idiots yet converted again into a bunch fingering upstart working relationship hence it is the last fucking straw as well, never mind the other local authority pricks were now completely fed up paying the social security in return for their greed and insults all together – their society, government office and famous idiot insults really do show they were a bunch of outstanding fools, I am only concerned about what is now the most viable response as the hoodlums, criminals and localised terrorists should have been able to make sense of my position years ago, not develop a habit that had occurred because they took over my affairs and never stopped goading me over it (about which I have now issued the warnings clearly enough in my view as history so far is one of a bunch of abusive pricks with a society expressing publicly fantasies of running me down, stepping on me and encouraging their stupid children to do the same, for no apparent reason except claims I was so weak I was pathetic and women attacked and had me beaten up all the time, whose gimmicks has now stopped in grand fashion; my warnings with regards to the famous idiots have been clear enough at this stage, this nonsense likely therefore to progress from results associated with the fact they had not thought it through, so the fact they have been making a mess of my affairs with opinionated ageism and will never have the retirement the way they currently want it will repeat itself down the line considering their stupid children who are likely to end up being too scared to attend school because I had to defend myself will be older than my children, entirely due to the reasonless bum fingering, penis touching, stress causing career delay that had been actualised). On the point that the Politicians still had to bail me out however, it should be noted the purpose and meaning of their society abuses was a statement to say that getting involved with my personal space felt so good, they were nursing a desire to sexually violate me depending on how much they needed it, so nobody had civil rights which looked like that and the insolent society does not make any sense to me, it needs to tempt me further if its stupidities relied on the abusive society for everything but wanted to provide me with a license at the same time - where their famous gits and government office twats were concerned, we know this is all a matter of the idea that others were bigger than I am concerning which I had to forfeit my career, finances and even personal life, we have also seen the stupidities arrive at a point where it claimed I came up with the ideas and the proof I am a coward was that others died for it, the poof involvement with me which was entirely voluntary, not even the employer funding the job that got to their heads was funding any of it, voluntary free and of free will. Two decade career mess, featuring a University drop out because the idiots loved to get involved with my personality - when it does arrive at a stage where it wanted to rely on it for everything whilst providing me a license, I am sure I will be informed.

I am told that I am not fighting for myself, and this was the reason I did not have my public image but I wonder which part of myself would have been served by the fact that their stupidities never stopped goading me over public control so I was overworked whilst it got out of hand. I am asking what it is they as a bunch of disobedient insolent and greedy poofs wanted to do about the problem, not seeking to engage in facts that I needed to ensure the Celebrities, men’s worlds trading and getting rich fast idiots and society influence pricks, ceased to extract money from my Royal Estate whilst the other American security services idiots got to spend his own money without bothering me over ideas I am supposed to lose something important, if their stupidities were complaining about me. on the point I am a pain in the backside, I really wish to find out what it is exactly they wanted to do about it; since reality is that a bunch of gits enjoyed showing up near my concerns to run off all sorts of rubbish, chiefly which was the fact I was trying to find my first job and they had been in the work environment long enough to possess enough savings that allowed them take advantage of the fact that if I had no money, I must have had a good reputation in order to get rich fast, it runs off that nonsense and follows me around with it until I looked flustered all the time, until I looked like a victim of male society curse, until I looked as if I had lost my mind and continued to seek ways to exonerate itself by suggesting it did not because it made the decision not to, looking for a good opportunity, such that if its stupidities did not, somebody else would. So, I stuffed it with my career publicity that it carried around like PR I did not have to fund and these idiots with their well-off neighbourhood insolence, got involved to run media narcissism on it that helped them take advantage of me anyway, claiming what had ended up in their heads was a successful process of stealing my career i.e. I am a pain in the backside, and I want to know what they wish to do about it with the well-off neighbourhood big mouth, having warned them that we are no longer handling these issues on their terms. I mean they were complaining about vengeance that I had decided was one of the best ways to solve this problem since it had not let up even though I had dropped out of University, vengeance for the fact that I had dropped out of University should have been the end of the story and what we ended up with instead was bear baiting by political idiots who were fed up paying social security whilst they built up a community which purpose specifically was to finger my bum – Now we have a famous peoples version of the same nonsense and it needs to stop badly too. It is all a not so complicated case of Government Office idiots that are by this time fed up paying for social security, Famous fools that have by this time resorted to insults, greed and physical contact and society idiots that have by this time resorted to crowd violence towards somebody they loved to wind up considering they had it: in the end it is a problem since I am living on social security for it and the problem will be solved with respect to the degree of insults and abusive nonsense that builds up to an interest me where people assessed the contents of my social life and career publicity, to go from idiots who had traded their own mobility in for immoral society gimmicks, to idiots who clung to my income and figured out such extensive stupidities affected my clients in a way that left me cash strapped, so developed into big brother direct threats in my face of the ways they were a bunch of poofs that will rob me of my career and some bullying too - from here the amusement is the claim that they did it because I was working with communists referring to another bunch of poofs in communists territories that they got into a fight with, to claim they were fighting National enemies on my behalf and since people had died, where entitled to handle anything in this place, the bashing my bookshop, telling these lies and picking up the media narcissism on it, is about to develop into a license for me to cut the Celebrity culture to pieces as well. The boasting that there was no part of this that I would win is utter nonsense - they have simply wrecked everything I did with my Office, by going from building abusive communities over the use of my personal space to enlist some American security service prick that looked like 1990s pornography to fight communists on behalf of the country on it, leaving the other pricks who pick up from where I shopped for my groceries to ensure my assets ended up in the hands of communists to be spent on them, which is currently fun as they were both making a mess of my overseas interests, until I begin to work on my Bookshop at the expense of the Communists as well - they were currently out of their depth since I integrated it into the way that I ran a Bookshop, talking nonsense and the sex work Politics is still on, as mentioned, it is the bash my Bookshop, tell the lies and run a Media narcissism that is encouraging me to cut the Celebrity culture to pieces as well.

I am now told that this was really all about getting me to do what Politicians wanted but it naturally is – except the fact that I have taken control of the situation lest it develops into one of those results in which people forgot that it had been strangling me simply because I am a nice person for years, on account that my response was disproportionate to what is simply a difference of opinions. Especially the part where people attacked me randomly on the streets because they were being encouraged to think that when they tackled me, it helped them to see clearly the decisions that they had to make about being able to guarantee that the party they engaged with at the polls will be the wining party. The bone of contention is obviously that the fact they were worried about security services becoming loyal to random persons that may have helped to facilitate their work, than they were to the Politicians who paid their bills as part of a process of showing they were in charge, does not provide them with a license to trash the security services work itself and rip up anything that I did to ensure the trouble makers did not damage my career. We are talking about perhaps taking action to prevent a bunch of useless characters with narcissism on their minds who had nothing to lose, making a mess of my career and making money by handling it at the same time at the other end, which makes a complete fooling of the learning processes of social and economic activities, then we find that due to their unusual opinion of people who worked in the Military, my responses facilitated the statement that people who worked in the Military wanted to make about their gimmicks – another example would be Law enforcement where I may have because of my work and position, noticed more than most people did, the fact the problems these idiots created for everybody was really stem from the fact that they had created themselves a life they did not want anymore and fooled around with it up to the point where somebody else either suffered for it or moved out of a comfort zone to find another existence because their stupidities were bigger, so at the point where they were a threat to the public, what I may have done about them facilitate the statement that a Police Office made in the course of the job, so a Politician will rip up that work and my career finances to leave me on social security over claims that they were likely to become more loyal to me than they were to the Government that paid the bills – it simply had to stop and more so in terms of the fact that what creates the condition for them to trash my finances and create the theory I am not brave enough to deserve my career and should be bullied into a fight, was really a process where soldiers who may have spent 3 years training to be soldiers, were doing a job that probably involved loading a truck whilst keeping off some insurgency, then somebody got killed and they claimed it added up to a process where people took a stand all by themselves against the concept of National enemies and lost their lives to it, therefore unless I had done such a thing, did not deserve an income, simply because I was doing rather well on the public control front and therefore had done a good deed which definitely had to be punished. They do claim that I wield considerable influence however but I do and it is a completely different story i.e. something about a Royal position and what I am doing with my access to National culture, playing into a facilitation of effective work by security service operatives, does not in anyway to any normal person, indicate that budgets which were being decided through collective parliamentary decision, after it had been developed by the Cabinet and is approved by the King to come into effect would be affected by my activities or their own, such as to run a 12 year campaign of ripping up their careers and mine simply because they were excelling in it without Politicians feeling as if other people idiot children that were elected into government buildings were in charge, then got their hoodlums involved with the security service work who have been fighting communists on all our behalf to show up ripping and tearing and decrying the prices they had to pay for our security and freedom with respect to what they deserved in return, then claim the idea I am being made to do what Politicians want explained such nonsense. At this point they claim it would have been nice if everybody had access to the culture of the land which is a telling example of how much they were listening to the public, if they were suggesting that these idiots that even they were complaining about did not have access to the culture of land at some point in their lives, that they traded in for immoral society gimmicks to get rich running down other people with greed and insults, tells how they know and can make laws on the basis of grasping well who started what when they think that these fools never had it at all. Which is the typical point at which it is said that it would be nice if my career had improved for this kind of work but my career if perfectly fine save the three groups of people who want some mine currently i.e. the well off neighbourhood idiots who were such men that they picked up my career publicity to do their own thing, built a society to finger my bum and continued on the basis that they were bigger than I am, the other idiots who were better off showing up to engage with a Bookshop who rather preferred to be a bunch of trolls, living in the slums to give meaning to statements people make when some people assumed that they were poor because it was their fault that they were poor and the famous idiots who never stopped ripping and tearing to goading me over public control matters, showing up in public to make their problems the same as a statement about where my Books and my publishers business were located, to order my steps and use me to fight enemies. None of these had figured out what they were doing with their own stupid lives and it was on this basis that they were running mine, hence the Bookshop had stalled and they were the same idiots calling me names and putting on the labels on the streets, so especially for the famous who now need to deal with this matter on my terms, we are about to settle it on the basis that since I knew more about what they were doing than they were and they had become a public menace they needed to resign from the jobs and the fame, it is the failure to resign that will set the stage for the next history that I picked up around here and the need to bash my Bookshop, tell lies that I am working with communists and cling to my income with a media narcissism, that will encourage me to cut the show business to pieces all together. It is all usually manageable, if the Celebrity interests in my career for instance meant that seeking self reinvention from where my publishers business was located and the context of the Books I had written was unlikely to be effective, so they had to tackle my privacy alongside, it built up to sex work politics, associated with the way they were always overjoyed that some idiot was working rogue landlord, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeper gimmicks on other people and had literally sold their souls to the devil, were fans of idiots who drew up a link between peoples body fluids and money making, especially when there were people in despair but was always certain that their famous stupidities were so important others ought ti suffer the consequences on their behalf, especially so as they were prone to committing suicides - it only becomes a problem when I followed up that work made clear the fact it was sex work Politics and an idiot either interfered or ensured it did not mean anything to anybody or simply ensured that I was too distracted by other things, to catch up on the work all together, that is the kind of occasion we have ended up with here and so has the fight over the fact that it is their inability to set out clear boundaries with regards to the famous that had encouraged them to put themselves in charge of my affairs and torture me with their stupidities.