The events of 16 September 2024, where we saw another assassination attempt on the life of Presidential Candidate Trump in the USA was obviously a sign of an endemic problem, as the questions were now being raised – we have seen the prevalent idea to be that when security is increased for public leadership it is better for society whilst the main problem was brushed under the carpet; in this case the apparent need Liberals had to hide and stifle the conservative Political message – I am a conservative, we are not responsible for extremism and social violence contrary to popular ideas, the conservative message is that people were originally supposed to conduct their affairs within the confines of public policy, considering that doing so discourages extremism as a method of solving problems to begin with, conservatives fundamentally believed in putting in so much of an effort, that one was above the public policy itself. The idea we are behind extremism and social violence is a product of the need that Liberals seemed to entertain, that people ought to play with extremism, when this meets up with a strong stand on the conservative ideology, we find that the state of affairs is that they were free to fool around with it to their hearts content, what has changed over the ideas is that perhaps society had evolved to such an extent that conservatives needed to hold Office by showing the public that they had taken a softer stance on this message and hence the questions that have arisen at this stage, whether it is a good thing to do so i.e. since the backdrop is that when one thinks that one family is in danger, those responsible were playing around with ground zero type decisions, since at the end of the day, this was really all about grownups fooling around to a fault.

Where I fit into the picture was the sheer amount of problems that could be avoided if I was not facing German influence women led private life resistance to my writing career – I mean I used to be rest assured that they were neighbourhood Kings and Queens but this has changed since the Monarch that had made the decision along with her family to ignore their incessant bidding for attention, had passed away. What we now have is the idea that I am being taught lessons on messing with the needs and interests of German influence women disgusting insults and the support for those who thought that crime was a career option with a sense that their stupidities were entitled to the lives of weak men they claim feared them, so the likely outcome as this is that the insults of their famous idiots that pull my legs to ensure they got the better of me is likely to play their gimmicks into a state where I got my hands on the show business and it will be the last time that they set eyes on it too when I do. They do boast about how this was impossible with that stupid need to trade mobility in for immoral society gimmicks and express so much stupidity over my career to make up for the deficit, that I ended up on social security whilst their stupidities seemed to have made them famous, which in actual fact would not have a chance if I got a good enough grip of the show business altogether. I do not think the matter is crisis per se, just showing the sort of gimmicks that had developed into the process of working me with so much abusive activities associated with the idea I am supposed to do something for them and run off to such an extent that they built a community to finger my bum once they shared my privacy with the criminality that they supported and complained about at the same time, we have seen the same behaviour being peddled in the USA to build up to threats that came and were recurring to the lives of Presidential Candidates – my point being that I have a history of getting their narcissism under control by method of deciding to do to them the worst possible things that I could do for any of the abusive activities and work hard enough on it to ensure I did not have to look back on a history of in action i.e. the extremists were mostly lying about their problems but if they talked ahead of their victims it became a deathly threat, so we know they were lying about a problem and I will become obsessed with that problem and we also know they wanted to talk ahead – the ethnic minorities were more a matter of a bad thing having happened to them, so it became an excuse for all sorts of nefarious activities, so I will want a repetition of the bad thing, fi I got a good grip of it will also want to sell the effects for money too, since it would appear that this behaviour creates a result in which public service operatives who engaged with their plight ended up after having taken notes for law making purposes, suffer from the same bad things that happened to them as well, therefore progress is never made.

I am informed the birth sign reading gimmicks was behind it too but it is; so some people were wondering why there was always the claim that they beat up the Librans like myself all the time which I suppose they pick up as a matter of having only realised recently that they have been beating up the Librans all the time. I personally think the authorities do it as a matter of controlling their violent irresponsibility, especially that of Scorpio, since it involved a random process of attacking everybody that appeared to behave adversely to their interests when they were victims of narcissism, same as Virgos, as opposed to the way that we Librans decided that we had to pick out the worst things that had happened to those who practice these narcissism and repeat them. Personally, the cause of all problems on either side was their need to pick up the way I stood up for myself even after having been informed it is a Royal order that security services engaged with and that it was also devised to protect me from them, hence they were always hurting themselves and complaining about doing so endlessly. What is in it for me naturally is to recover my Royal career publicity from the famous as first of all I had gone from a character who devised wealth politics to help the public build products and baby sit gits who spent money fighting them, to a character whose wealth equity politics publicity was so badly corrupted my perverse publicly displayed usage, that I am now a character whom regardless of what famous idiots possessed, could be bullied for them to make more money by getting around with the wealth and by working the public mob – this is the source of all problems associated with not being a successful writer and it seems at this stage that unless I was working on the famous, I had no career, hence need to cease losing time on the matter. They do claim the wealth politics was a real problem for them and we can see how they think that it is a problem when they have trashed it to work the public for trading equity, hang about on media and various other platforms for communication, converting those trading and economic equities into wealth making structures which money went directly into the bank accounts of a handful of people, history suggests they were the same idiots who created the worst ever economic crisis in history which we have recovered from by taking advantage of the working population, since Labour was the only thing we could down grade until we had accessed enough equity to recover, and that it made sense of the stock market being allowed to work properly as a place where successful business went to exchange their assets and not a get rich quick money making gimmick that fuelled the trading processes for idiots, since it would have made sense for a later event to exist in which people decided that their history of working on their careers for a certain period of time built up to an equity that was actually worth something, I mean if they did not like the economy to work that way, should not have bashed it in the first instance. What we have ended up with on the whole being that the argument these equities should be retrieved and the money from the trading channelled into the bank accounts of a handful of people, had made sense again after it was quashed, and it did as soon as the famous were done complaining about the problem, so became the paid type of the same – however what it means here is that there was so much disrespect being channelled at me, that it had resulted in a sense that my public office work should not have existed and this was the reason they had made such a mess of it that their wealth and social inequality idiots had built new high rise buildings that were empty and designated for get rich quick gimmicks on what they had devised, which will never be allowed to fulfil it purpose, hence an incredibly annoying waste of resources, not least because they were making excuses for it and resorting to health destroy narcissism – it needs to stop picking up my public work or continue to assume there was no chance if I get a good grip of the show business, they will see it for the last time as well.

On the point that they have seen my Books and its sole purpose was to control the male population, I am relieved that they have only been able to access the title that was fundamentally built up due to their abusive interest in my person and my career – Scorpio is not fighting those who attack their interest anymore, warrior Scorpio is back again picking on Librans to get paid by these idiots, likewise the Virgos as well, still kills me when that stupid statement about being beaten up by them continued to go around. So I am currently living on social security because the male population could not decide if my Book controlled them and I needed to take it off the market and make changes to the areas that did, alongside their stupid women who devised that the title of my Books was disrespectful of the men who obviously provided them with money with their famous idiots goading me over public control, pulling my legs so they can get imagination into my panties, bashing my Bookshop to work media narcissism and being overjoyed on the red carpet that I was being tackled by rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keeping gimmicks – so we have now arrived at a stage where the lip flapping is about to be tested as per what I did for a living ought to get the same amount of respect that what they did for a living got from me or we will find out if at the very least I will not win the fight and be relieved of any consequences associated with bad things I may have done to do so i.e. get away with it again, if I put the ethnic minorities to fools errand and the white people to sex work politics, to get rich quick over my Bookshop (the same behaviour we see being peddled was the cause of all their problems, should not add up to a license to pose a threat to public leadership and of course boosting security for Officials simply makes our world smaller, so this is far from finished as long as I continued to experience their gimmicks on my finances and career). Their wealth and social inequality friends were a special case - since last I decided I wanted to work my wealth politics on my own without involvement from what seems to be a bunch of people who hated the idea I mattered to society and came up with fantasies I am supposed to do something for them, up to a point of pulling my legs and fingering my bum, I have found myself taking to those stupid threats they issued, like when they set out those buildings in the city to work the new wealth and social inequality gimmicks and were talking about where I would say what I said if I had the guts to say it, the threats which are now the reasons they were so unhappy that they needed to pay people to tackle me and I will never stop getting on their nerves for it, especially as seeing that people were starting to make sense of the fact that it was likely to play out like this for a while and they were clearly not the only people likely to start a fight with communists in order to control others which has already started happening - I try my best everyday as it were.